Teach English in Yaocun Zhen - Taiyuan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yaocun Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Taiyuan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

What is a Beginner Student ? How old are they ? Is it a spontaneous wish or have they been compelled to learn english ? In which case do they want to learn a new language, is it for their own purpose or for a specific goal ? What are their expectations from us as a teacher ? How can we analyse their needs and motivations ? How to establish a good relationship with the learner from day 1 ? How the teacher gonna start the first course and how he/she gonna pursue it after ? How to make the learner feel comfortable during the course and elicit the learner a participation ? All this questions should be established and answered by the teacher before starting to teach beginner students to be correctly prepared. First of all, the definition of a beginner student should be clearly identify by the teacher. A beginner is someone who has zero experience on the subject that he/she will be taught or someone who knows certain information on the subject but not enough to use it. The teacher neverthless should be able to distinct different categories of beginners. This is were the second part come into action, the teacher knows that he/she will teach some beginners but analyse the different types between them is essential to adapt after the course’s level. There are The Absolute Beginner, The false beginner, The beginner without Roman alphabet that indicate if they have already been expose to the language, if they already are capable to express certain words or sentences. Conversely, it will be necessary to make the difference between young learners and adults. Both of them are beginners, we all agreed about that but we won’t adapt the same method to teach them. Both of them gonna need visual aids but this method gonna be more emphasize with young learners and the language gonna be more simple as well , it is not possible to use vocabulary that even them don’t know in their own mother tongue. The third part for the teacher should as well take into account if the beginner in front of him/her has decided by himself/herlsef to enroll a course or has he/she been compelled to do so. This question is conceivable for any type of beginners that we have seen above. After having analysed the reason the teacher should be able to provide some method to elicit the interest and motivation from the learner. The method could vary, first of all it could be to use the learner’s favourite movie to teach a grammatical part, his/her interest will increase because he/she will be focused on what he/she likes and don’t even realise he / she is learning at the same time. The second part is to make them feel as a member of a group by allowing them do to some exercices in pair group than individually. To finish, never hesitate to ask them to participate even though the learner seems reluctant about that. Of course, to be able to know if the learner gonna be dishearten to participate to a course or not, the teacher should first ask directly the learner what his/her reason/ motivation to begin a course and what he/she is expecting from the course. In this part, the teacher won’t be able to do it with children because they are of course too young to describe what they clearly want and often they have not taken the decision and their parents have decided for them. In this case, it could probably be the school who will give a lesson plan to follow or if it is not the case the teacher won’t have any other choices to create his/her courses by himself/herself and use some books and other visual helps to be able to adapt the level. For the adult, the better is to give them a survey with questions on their motivations, aims … The teacher will be able to have global ideas about the learner and adapt the course. After having identified the learner profile, the question the teacher should ponder on is how to make the first course because neither him/her or the students know each other and the relationship between them have to be strong due to many hours they gonna share together and the atmosphere around to developp capacities of knowledge have to be soothing. To begin with , the mutual respect is a major conponent to make a first impression. Thus, maybe it could probably even sound ridiculous to say it but the teacher has to arrive in time. After, taking into consideration learners is the second basics. The teacher has to introduce himself /herself on the first day by giving and writting on board his/her name. Explaining briefly maybe his/her backgroung but be careful the teacher don’t have to talk about his/her own life, this is not the goal here. After, of course he/she has to ask every students to introduce themselves maybe by a game for example, the best would be to retain each name all along the lesson. The first course has to be structured of course but won’t be as usual. The teacher won’t necessary directly analyse some specific grammatical point neither conjugation, it will be more based on simple thing such as for example « How to introduce herlsef or Himself ? ». The course gonna be neverthless structured on the ESA : Engage, Study and Activate phase Method but it’s gonna be a course more light and use varied activities to established a good connection.