Teach English in Yangqu Zhen - Taiyuan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yangqu Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Taiyuan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

There is no doubt that the English language is by far the most ubiquitous and prevalent language among the plethora of languages all over the globe nowadays, it has been proven that it is almost paramount and pivotal in importance for any job vacancy nowadays. So, for aspiring and seasoned teachers both, earning a TEFL certificate has become a main goal and requirement in order to have a full assimilation of the language as a whole. In this essay, the numerous benefits of undergoing a TEFL certificate/ course will be discussed thoroughly. Firstly, Some countries are more meticulous than others when it comes to choosing the cream of the English teaching crop, and sometimes prefer a minimum number of hours in TEFL instruction or classroom experience before welcoming you on board. Especially in the most popular destinations, where salaries are generous and competition is fierce, employers have the luxury to choose their dream candidate. Some may be able to teach English abroad without a bachelor’s degree, but as competition kicks up, private schools and government agencies are bolstering up their expectations to deliver their students the best instruction. Secondly, having a TEFL certification will aid you in attracting more higher paying jobs around the globe. A certification can also help you land TEFL jobs abroad even faster, which translates into getting paid sooner and making up for potential unemployment during your job search. Thinking from an employer’s perspective, if given the choice between choosing a certified prospect and a non-certified one , assuming all other experience and background is equal, in whom would you rather invest time and money hiring? Having the extra education gives you more power to negotiate your salary and contract terms. Furthermore, changing careers will become far less daunting, Imagine walking into your first day of work without having had any training whatsoever. TEFL courses fill in the holes that your program’s orientation leaves, and teaches you how to navigate your new career. Many young adventurers looking for a career change and a way to spend significant time abroad find teaching English overseas as the perfect solution to satisfy all needs. Yet an insatiable desire for the exotic and new won’t be enough to help navigate a completely unknown work environment. Moreover, having perfect command and language fluency will not be enough to be both a capable and qualified teacher. Having grown up speaking a language fluently doesn’t mean you know the first thing about how to teach it. The main difference? You soaked in the language from those around you for years and years. You can never be too prepared to answer grammar, vocabulary, and syntax questions. You already know English inside and out, now it’s time to break it all down and approach the language from a non-native English speaker’s perspective. The core benefits of having a TEFL certificate are the hours spent learning to learn the language. Moreover, It's a way to test out if teaching is really for you. An enumerable number of people reckon that English teaching or teaching in general is an easy task and can be carried out by anyone, however, it has been proven to be the exact opposite. For example, a huge number of teachers have given up on the idea of teaching because of the mental and physical toll it takes on them, so maybe for an aspiring teacher, taking a TEFL course will prove to be too much of a feat to achieve and help them orient themselves and what they want when it comes to their professional careers. To conclude, there are countless benefits of taking a TEFL course or teaching abroad in general, but a teacher has to be up for the challenge, as they are going to be highly influential to a student’s education and knowledge whether for better or for worse.