Teach English in Hekou Zhen - Taiyuan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Hekou Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Taiyuan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Classroom management is an essential skill for teachers. Classroom management is imperative for effective learning, achieved through various methods, and also beneficial for both students and teachers. No matter how perfect your lesson plan is, without classroom management, no learning will occur. Classroom management is needed for effective learning. For example, if students do not have rapport with the teacher, do not listen or participate, or simply do not even look at the teacher, how can they learn? Furthermore, if most or even all of the class time is taken up by simply trying to calm down students or manage their behavior, then that is time lost from teaching the lesson plan, and the students do not gain the knowledge they were supposed to. Classroom management enables the learning environment to be conducive, because students need to pay attention and listen in order to learn. An organized and managed class is a class where learning can be had. There are many ways in which classroom management can be achieved. Eye contact, gesture, and the voice are some ways to manage a class. Maintaining eye contact is essential to establish good rapport with the students and hold their attention. For example, if a teacher is not looking at the students, or only focusing on a few, then the students do not feel accountable to pay attention, and their minds can drift off. Gestures also hold the attention of students, as does the tone and clarity of one’s voice. Teachers can hold student’s attention by changing the volume and variation in his or her voice. Also, using students’ names is effective since it acknowledges students, and, in a way, forces them to direct their attention to you and what you are saying. Even little things like classroom arrangement and grouping can effect classroom management, but experience helps with this one- teacher’s can figure out what works best with themselves and also their students, depending on classrooms, students, and situations. Classroom management helps both the teacher and its students. As a teacher, there is nothing more frustrating or disheartening than when your students are not paying attention, or worse, unmanageable. It is an awful feeling of having no control and doing a “bad job” at teaching. So, by establishing rapport and maintaining classroom management, teachers can feel confident that they have the classroom and students under control, and are effectively teaching students what they should be learning. A lesson plan can be perfect, but if the students won’t listen to it, a teacher can feel as if he or she has failed. Also, classroom management helps students, because it creates a respectful and effective learning environment. A teacher’s job is to give kids knowledge, and even if they do not know it yet, students need that knowledge and it will help them in the long run. So, if the class in in order, and learning is taking place, then the students are benefitting because they are gaining the education they deserve and need. Classroom management is needed as a teacher. Problem behavior should be acted on immediately so it does not worsen or continually disrupt the class. Prevention is key, but staying calm and trying to fix the issue will help with problem behavior and classroom management. When there is classroom management, there is respect, education, and learning- and what could be better for students and teachers than that?