Teach English in DayuZhen - Taiyuan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in DayuZhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Taiyuan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

A good teacher manages a class a good teacher has good discipline in a class, Having a good management in a classroom is not only good for a teacher,but also for his students because it improves his management skills and keeps a class disciplined. Being a good teacher is a good thing but it requires patience.A teacher should be able to inspire his students and he should know when to be firm and when to leave the students alone.In other words a teacher should know when to play what role,and if you know your role well, you are a good teacher. If you mold yourself according to the need of the class you are a good teacher. Class management is like watering a tree If we water a tree well it grows well,and if we manage a class well it grows well.There are many things that can be helpful to manage a class like the teacher’s eye contact, his body language, his voice, how he gives instructions, establishing rapport, managing discipline, well these things I feel are very important and should be worked on. Our eyes are very powerful and they can tell about us and about our class they can be used in many ways they can be used to encourage students and to tell them if they are right or wrong. The same with our body language if we have a good body language it will help us to manage the class well and our students will also learn from us because for them we are who they want to speak like or to be like. Then comes our voice that is the best tool box we have. It can be used in many ways, like it can be used to hold student’s attention, to make a class more fun by using different voice pitches according to the students. A good teacher always knows how to change his voice according to his class. In a speaking class the most important thing is to make students speak and it can be done in different ways they can work on their own or they can work with their partner, and when they are working with a partner they get to know other students that is good for the rapport we want to build in our classroom. It also allows the students to speak more effectively. Grouping students can be done in different ways. It can be as a whole class or they can work on their own or they can be in pair, depends on the need of the class a good teacher knows how to use these different techniques. When he speaks he uses a language that can be understood by everyone because it is simple and is used with visual clues. If you enter a class and can feel an amazing feeling in the class the credit goes to the teacher. It is very important that the students know each other very well and can ask any questions freely and a teacher can create this feeling in a classroom by knowing their names and showing personal interest in their lives, by making them feel that it is ok to make mistakes because it teaches us and improves us. A good teacher knows the word "discipline" and the importance of this word and as it's believed that discipline is one of the most important things that should be in every class. If there is no discipline there is no respect for teachers and no respect for the other students. sometimes students misbehave and it's ok because there can be many reasons like family problems, peer pressure, no respect for the teacher, but a good teacher knows how to handle this problem by facing them instead of running from them. For example, if a good teacher sees something bad happening he acts immediately not at the students but his behaviour. Class management is one of the most important things that should be worked on because this is the foundation of teaching anything, and I feel that if you have good management skills with the good knowledge of the subject you are moving towards the right direction. And the class you will have will definitely be recognized as a good class.