Teach English in Taoyuan Zhen - Tai'an Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Taoyuan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Tai'an Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

As we all know, Business English is more and more popular nowadays. Business English teaching is different from General English teaching. The teaching group is business people such as hotel staff, businessman, lawyers, etc. The teaching content is more detailed and more professional. And the teaching purpose is more specific. Of course, we don't need to teach students to be business people but to teach them English about their business. So we have to know what should be paid attention to in Business English Teaching. (ITTT 2011) First of all, we need to know about the teaching group well. We needs to know their names, companies, jobs, departments, English levels, etc. Because especially in teaching groups, their ages may range from early-20s to mid-50s. Their previous language learning experience is different, so their levels could be different. And what is the most important is to know what the students want and what they need. Because there is often a difference, we have to balance their wants and needs especially in group teaching. Knowing their jobs and companies will help us know the students' needs and wants well. A needs analysis is definitely useful for this. So we need pay a lot of attention to the needs analysis. (ITTT 2011) And then, we need to pay attention to the specific teaching content. Teaching Business English is teaching more professional and specific English. We need to choose appropriate materials for the class. Of course, authentic materials are invaluable when teaching business groups. We can choose the faxes, letters, company reports from the company. And some articles from business magazines and newspapers such as The Economist and local English language papers. (ITTT 2011) Next, the teaching purpose is more specific. We will teach the students some professional vocabulary, conversion in their areas such as telephoning, introductions, presentations, etc. Although we have no experience in their field, we can still do it well by the needs analysis. Our students will always be tired because they may have spent the whole day on working. So we have to compromise and make the material less challenging, or cut down on input. And homework sometimes may also difficult for them due to the pressure of work. And we have to plan the program well. Listing suitable learning objectives, situations, language and published materials clearly before the class. We need to try our best to meet the needs of the most student. For a few students who wants to learn something that the others have known, we can encourage extra self-study. That will help ensure the efficiency and progress of the class. (ITTT 2011) Last but not least, we combined all of them when we teach a class. Before we begin the class, we must know the company’s address in detail if we teach at the company. And we also need to know the students, the teaching facilities. Prepare everything we need such as board pens, photocopies and so on. Dress the part, wear formal smart clothes to teach a class. Use the formal language to greet if we use local language. Be polite and build good relationship with the staff. During the class, keep a record of attendance, material covered, details of lessons cancelled, etc. Try to make the course relevant by seeing the students at work. And after the class, give students the feedback in detail. (ITTT 2011) All in all, these are the most important parts that we should pay attention to in Business English Teaching. Source (ITTT 2011)