Teach English in Mazhuang Zhen - Tai'an Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Mazhuang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Tai'an Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

A teacher is someone who provides knowledge and improves the skills of her students. A teacher must first and foremost be passionate about her role so that her students are in turn motivated to learn from her. She must have good knowledge on the subject she is teaching and show kindness and compassion when sharing that knowledge with her students. A teacher is someone who is passionate about the subject she is teaching but even more passionate about what her students are learning. There are many different styles of teaching and a teacher has to know how to modify her teaching styles and habits to suit different students, especially when teaching foreign speaking students who may be learning English for the first time. When you think of traditional teaching you may think of a teacher in front of her classroom with a chalk board behind her, leading and controlling a class in study, which is one style, but teachers must adapt to newer styles of teaching as well, for example student-centered teaching, where the student may be leading or acting as an equal to the teacher. In this latter case, the teacher would adapt her style, she may be organizing a group activity for example, where students will lead within their respective groups. The teacher would then ensure that she gives proper instructions to the students, gives an example of the tasks to be done, and then let’s the students lead their activities. She would monitor the groups from a distance, may provide prompts where necessary, and then follow up with each group of students to close out the activities per the schedule and ask the groups to present their learnings or feedback. What is important in this case, is that the teacher provides the foundation but does not command and control the group activities. Sometimes a teacher may wish to be a participant in a group activity with her students, for example, if she wants to create some variety in the classroom or help even out a number of participants in a particular group. In this case she must pay extra attention to not lead the group but rather be a contributor to the group. A teacher must monitor her students and give feedback to her students while assessing their progress. It is important that she do this fairly with all students, meaning that she must be consistent with the type of feedback and the way it is delivered, so that students do not perceive favoritism or prejudice. For example, if she is tutoring a student which is typically done on an individual basis, she must also ensure she provides equal time to others in need. A teacher is a resource for her students and must come up with different activities that assist students to learn material. A teacher must set an example in the way she pronounces words and formulates sentences, because she is the ultimate English speaking authority in the classroom. She finds the right balance between creating a relaxed environment and also maintaining discipline. She does this through the use of her voice, gestures, eyes and creating a personal connection by calling students by their names. Ultimately, a teacher inspires confidence in her classroom and this leads to students who learn well.