Teach English in Yunzhong Zhen - Shuozhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yunzhong Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Shuozhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Parents and teachers both play significant roles in the growth and development of children. This is why it is very important that there are no barriers preventing parents from communicating with their child’s teacher and vice versa. Obviously, there will be language barriers when it comes to ESL. Nevertheless, it is possible to overcome this obstacle with the use of technology and support from the staff of ESL schools. All over the world, many countries have introduced English as a second language and they are implementing English in their education system. This requires more communication between parents and ESL teachers, especially in ESL schools. There are numerous ways that parents can assist ESL teachers with teaching the English language to their child. First, it is important that parents express interest in their child’s education, particularly when learning a second language. Children are very observant and they learn from their surroundings. If the interests of their parents in them learning English is inadequate, the child might begin to feel a lack of support. This may cause the child to start losing interest in learning English, which will have a negative impact on the child’s educational performance and development. On the other hand, if parents show interest in their child learning English, it will have a positive effect. Parents can be supportive by trying to use some English at home with their child. In addition, they can get more involved by allocating a few minutes to spend with their child while doing English homework. Moreover, parents could encourage their child to join any events that their ESL school is hosting and they could even volunteer at these events. Through watching their parents’ involvement in their studies and ESL school, students will feel the support from the household, which in turn will encourage them in learning English. Anther way in which parents can help ESL teachers is by ensuring that their child builds and maintains a good reputation as a student. First off, attending an ESL school is a meaningful aspect of any child’s life. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the parents to make certain their child is punctual and attends their assigned lessons according to their ESL school schedule. In addition, it is essential that ESL students complete their assigned homework before arriving to the school. It is the parents’ obligation to ensure that their child has completed their homework before attending their next English lesson. This is very important especially for younger ESL learners as they tend to forget to complete their homework, and they constantly need someone to remind them about doing assigned tasks. Certainly, instances may arise in which an ESL student might have to be tardy or absent from class. In this case, parents should cooperate with ESL teachers by informing them about their child’s tardiness or absence. In addition, parents can be of great assistance to ESL teachers by confirming the homework or assignment that their child will need to complete due to their absence from class. This will allow the child to become familiar with the material and to have some preparation for the next lesson. Furthermore, it will be more helpful for ESL teachers to be notified about any recent changes in a student’s life. Currently in Japan, many parents are hesitant to share personal information with their child’s ESL teachers or schools. This can be very challenging for ESL teachers as they might observe changes in their student’s behavior or performance for no apparent reason. There may be cases in which parents feel uncomfortable or embarrassed to share detailed information about their household due to privacy reasons. However, a vague explanation about a child experiencing some changes at home that might be evident in their behavior or performance in class could be beneficial for ESL teachers and schools. This will definitely assist ESL teachers, as they will be aware of their student’s circumstances thus equipping them with the knowledge to deal with the situation accordingly. In conclusion, parents can help an ESL teacher by being supportive, encouraging and ensuring their child builds a decent reputation as a student. Likewise, they should be conscious that establishing a good rapport with their child’s ESL teacher or school would be advantageous to the growth and development of their child in learning English.