Teach English in Nanhezhong Zhen - Shuozhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Nanhezhong Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Shuozhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

As the world progresses, people are given their freedom to make their lives easier. One great example is that, we can use technology to make a living- by saying this let me tell you about ESL/EFL (English as Second Language/ English as Foreign Language) industry that focuses on teaching students from different parts of the world to master the English language. Since it is an online job, teachers and learners are given a chance to express themselves at a specific period of time, the students can choose their free schedule to conduct the class and teachers are also given time to prepare their classes. One class can go from ten minutes up to thirty minutes depending on the availability of each person. Not only that, it will not bore both parties since they can meet new people and they can understand cultures from each side. The range of students and lessons are endless but the entire goal of each class is the same- to have a deeper understanding of the language and to express their thoughts and opinions freely. Speaking of convenience, you can choose your own working environment that works best for your needs,you can work in your bedroom, your study room, the café across the street, or your local library , Isn’t that awesome? It means that you don’t have to commute to classroom, which means less time spent on the bus and more time sitting on your couch, You no longer have to worry about the traffic outside. If you want to travel the world while working, then online teaching is a great option. All you need is internet and a few ideas for your lessons. If you work for a company that provides you with students, then you don’t need to plan your classes either. You decide when you work and how many hours you do. You can take holidays whenever you want. You are in charge of your time and that’s a very liberating feeling. If you have video class you must look professional and well groomed, but you don’t need to wear corporate attire and just put some casual clothes on and sit in your slippers. It’s a very comfortable way of working. If you’ve ever taught in a school, you know how much time you need to spend to stay in control of the students and the lesson. Many times you have pupils, who just refuse to study and don’t pay attention. At the end of the day it leaves you exhausted and demotivated. That’s why online lessons are much better for both the teachers and the students. During my online classes I never encounter rude behavior. I can spend all my energy on making sure that the student follows the lesson and absorbs the most important points of the class. I am always happy when my students ask me questions at the end of each lesson. This means that they listened and are interested in studying further. Online lessons give them more opportunity to do so and even the timid student become a little more eager to inquire about things that they want more information on. Even if you can’t travel and explore the world, then let the world come to you. During lessons I ask my students about their countries. I search different places and plan trips for the future. I find out a lot about other cultures and we often spend quite a lot of time just comparing our countries and talking about traditions and customs. Sometimes you can travel without leaving your home.Online teaching is not the most exciting job in the world and you can’t become rich doing it, but it is rewarding, gives you a huge amount of freedom and saves your energy that you can spend on something you really like doing.