Teach English in Chongren Zhen - Shaoxing Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Chongren Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Shaoxing Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Teaching foreign language to novice learners is a challenging and demanding task. Teaching foreign language requires the implementation of three main components including grammar, vocabulary and functions. The latter are complementary elements since each component completes and influences the other. Hence, for a balanced exposure of any new language; vocabulary, grammar and language functions should be used efficiently in an equalmanner.ESA are effective methods,along with its lesson types, to provide convenient and effective lessons of each of the aforementioned components. By way of explanation, using ESA methods particularly straight-arrow and/or patchwork vocabulary lessons to teach vocabulary lesson is of great benefits and significance to EFL learners. The latter tend to grasp the meaning of vocabulary lesson readily thanks to the flexibility of ESA methodologies. On the same thought of line, introducing language structures goes in tandem with the usage of ESA methods. For a successful and enjoyable lesson, EFL teachers are supposed to expose the grammatical structures of foreign language based on the following criteria: their meanings, usages, forms and patterns as well as concrete usages in different contexts. In so doing, exposing such grammatical structures through the use of ESA methods, allows the lesson to be more thorough and well-organized. Patchwork ESA grammar lesson, for instance, enables EFL teachers to use a great deal of study and activate phases as long as the lesson starts with engage and finishes with study phases. In this regard, EFL learners learn how to discuss their favorite holiday using past tense in the engage phase. In addition to this, while in the activate phase learners will be able to form a brief summary of their favorite holiday; in the study phase, they will be capable of analyzing, comparing and pronouncing different ideas being already discussed. After that, EFL teachers tend to provide learners with relevant vocabularies and expressions related to the holiday activity within another study phase. In exchange and within activate phase, it becomes plain for learners to write and analyzetheir partners’ best and/or worse holidays. ESA methods go not only with vocabulary and grammar lessons, but also are essentially useful when language functions lesson are involved. Languages functions refer to the concrete usage of a particular language. By way of illustration, expressing opinion, apology, refusal, joyfulness, agreement and disagreement are considered part of language functions. Like the case with vocabulary and grammar, ESA boomerang and patchwork lessons are viewed as effective types for the teaching of language functions. Hence, the efficient grasping of any involved language function is premised upon the appropriate usage of ESA lesson types. Eventually, introducing vocabulary, grammar and functions becomes effectively comprehensive and digestible for learners only with the appropriate implementation of ESA methods.