Teach English in Yungaisi Zhen - Shangluo Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yungaisi Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Shangluo Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

What does it mean to volunteer? According to the Oxford Dictionary: ¨Volunteer is a person who freely offers to take part in an enterprise or undertake a task¨, according to me, volunteer is a life-changing experience where you are able to help others. I volunteered for the first time 7 years ago and I remember to be very excited and a little nervous, not knowing what to expect, but the moment I arrived at the shelter house for abandoned girls , I knew right away that I had to give my best every day during that week,we fixed the garden, planted flowers and some vegetables, I also helped building rooms and decorating them. I taught basic English for the kids and helped with Spanish and Math classes ,always guided by the main teacher from Minnesota from whom I learned so much and I am very thankful for her. For me the best part of this experience was that I learned more than I could possibly teach and I want expecting this at all. The second time I volunteered was collecting money for a cat shelter and finally the third one was as a Spanish teacher in a rural community. By the time I went to NYC ,I already knew that my passion was teaching, so when I started working with Josh my oldest kid as a nanny , I opened my eyes to a new way of teaching, Josh was born with a heart disease so he spent his first three years of life in a bed without being able to do much ,the situation delayed his learning so much, it was so challenging for him to add or learn new vocabulary and spell it in the right way, even eating properly with a spoon was very difficult for him, so he has to take a lot of extra classes and therapy for speaking, basic social skills, cognitive learning, etc. I used to speak with his teachers and therapist about his progress and the way we could helped at home, so I got engaged in his learning progress and I really committed to help Josh as much as I could, practice with him the new words in different ways so he didn't get tired or hate the learning progress. I tried my best for him to have fun during the process. However my knowledge about special education was very limited and at times I also got tired and frustrated that is how I found about this amazing classes for teachers who wanted to expand their knowledge about special education, so I took two special diplomas about special kids like Josh, and I fell in love even more with teaching and education with the new techniques and skills that I learned , after that I was able to help Josh more effectively and even with his parents, because as we know , parents are always the most important key at a kids education. Being able to connect with Josh therapist, parents and his teachers was for me a very enrichment experience, his teachers even gave me the trust to go into classes from time to time, and I learned so much and I am forever thankful for the trust they place in me to help Josh. This life-changing experiences had taught me that teaching is my passion and the love you receive in exchange is the most beautiful reward ,giving without expecting anything in return. I hope everyone could do it at leaste once , volunteeering opens so many doors for both parrties, it really opens your eyes and your heart to connect with the world around you.