Teach English in Yuling Zhen - Shangluo Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yuling Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Shangluo Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

In order to make the class more fun and lively, most of the ESL teachers would focus on choose and the design of the course materials, they want to make the teaching materials more authentic and suit students English level. On the other hand some of the teacher may emphasis on the active stage of the lesson, they would design interactive games and some role plays to encourage student participate in class. However what are something else we can do before the class starts to avoid the students being shy, boredom and reluctant to cooperative during the class? Therefore we need to find some ways to build connections and establish a rapport between you and your students. Building a rapport with students can make a really difference in teaching, especially for ESL teacher. A good rapport could open the door to your students world and this would indeed help the students feel more comfortable and less nervous in class. A good rapport could possibly lead to more smooth and successful classes too. First, first impression matters, when you entered the classroom it’s good to have a short presentation of yourself, like your background, what you studied at school and also you are here to help them improve their English ability. Remember you have to have a genuine smile on your face your students call feel that. But you have to bear in mind this is not job interview which means is not your show time so don’t make it too long. Second, there are some tips that very helpful in developing rapport and making connections. 1. Learning student names. Learning your students’ names is a crucial first step towards encouraging a two-way dialogue in class. I know it is quite hard for a foreign teacher to pronounce their name correct, but you what you can do is to ask student to create an English name for themselves and then make them in to name tag wear that come to the class. 2. Try to inject an element of humour. Laughing together creates harmony, make a joke about yourself or the situation/circumstances you are in, but avoid making jokes about other people. 3. Try to understand students’ interest and hobbies. The simple way to build connections is to find something in common, if you find you and your students enjoy watching the same type of sports, TV shows, this will definitely accelerate the closeness. 4. Be Energetic You’ve probably been through some terribly boring lessons led by teachers who seem to be falling asleep listening to their own monotone voice, remember to adjust your intonation and pitch to make the class more lively. As an ESL teacher, you want to stay energetic and look like you enjoy what you are doing - even if you sometimes don’t. Never let your bad mood affect your classes. Energetic teachers affect their students in a positive way, making them excited to be there and keen to learn. 5. Praise Students When Appropriate Nothing feels better than being recognised for good work you’ve done. By simply saying: “well done” or “congratulations on this” can really make a huge difference. If they succeed something in your class, take the time to praise them sincerely for it. It can mean a lot to them, and also give them a sense of achievement too. Finally, below are some benefits for building a great rapport, you will gain credit for doing this. The students may feel: More Motivated – Students will find lessons more enjoyable and will look forward to coming into school every day. Increased Comfort – Students will feel that they are able to speak freely and will therefore be more likely to raise their hand in class discussions. Reduce the Communication barrier – As rapport increases, so does student comprehension. The teacher is able to explain concepts in a way that the students easily understand and relate to. Trust – Once trust is established, pupils feel like they can approach the teacher with any problems they might have, whether they’re encountering problems understanding the material or they’re encountering problems at home which may affect their studies. Increase confidence level – Students will show their passion toward learning English as a second language and their interests seems much stronger than before. In this way, the students feel much more comfortable and confidence in the learning process. Take some time and putting efforts on building rapport, I’m sure this would make you and your class stand out from others’.