Teach English in Xikou HuizuZhen - Shangluo Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xikou HuizuZhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Shangluo Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

It’s a well-known fact that education plays very essential role in nowadays society on absolutely every stage. The creativity and the higher level of basic knowledge help to enrol the better kindergartens and schools. Graduating from the top universities make it easier to find the better job opportunities, endless proficiency examinations are useful for getting the promotion and so on. Unfortunately, not everything depends on the students' abilities and education establishment qualifications, it also depends on the teacher. The metaphor I can use to describe this relation is a regular triangle, where all three sides are equally important: the students-- the education establishment--the teacher. The order does not matter. To make my ideas more clear, I will continue with myself introduction. I’ve been living in Beijing for ten years so far. I came as a language course student and later on got my bachelor and master degrees in top universities of China. After graduating I started my teaching career in China as well, so the reasons I’m interested in this topic are as follows: I have experienced both sides of the student- teacher relationship in China. To begin with, let us try to understand that the teacher in Chinese society not only playing a very important role, but also has his or her very high status. From the early childhood students were taught that the teacher must be respected at all the times and teacher’s words are to be taken as a gospel. Asking the teacher a question during the class is usually treated as a sign of disrespect and bad family education. This concept was spread from generation to generation and as a consequence made the classes teacher- oriented. The vast majority of lessons are hold by lecturing while students supposed to make notes and memorise the information. Moreover, for Chinese learners English is not just a foreign language or an optional course, it’s a must which can help students enter better schools and find better jobs. That makes the role of the foreign teacher even more important. It should also be mentioned that Chinese history background had influences on the role of the foreign teacher. Only after the reforms in 1980 China became opened to the foreigners, so it’s absolutely normal situation that you could be the first foreigner your students met in a real life. That gives you a great responsibility because we all know that it’s impossible to make the first impression twice. According to my teaching experience, after a while my students started to copy some of my manners and good habits, which made me glad because I made their life better. For instance, girls and ladies started to dress more elegant, use perfume and so on. In other words, they are becoming more westernised through the real life communication with foreign teachers. Furthermore, many employers expect from the foreign teachers to share the western lifestyle with the students in order to make them familiar with different culture in advance, because many of Chinese learners will go abroad for college or university. To conclude, I want to say that being a foreign teacher in China is a great honour. I am surrounded by the incredibly hard- working students, who are eager to learn English and treat the teacher with the great respect. As for me, I always do my best not only while sharing the subject knowledge but also while being the representative of another culture. I can say that to broaden Chinese learners horizons through teaching English is my life mission and I will go on with it.