Teach English in Xianghe Zhen - Shangluo Shi

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The analysis of self is focused the addition of a personal attribute to the list identified in ITTT's Unit 1 Teachers and Learners for a good teacher. I agree that kindness, patience and the love of teaching is at the core of a teacher to properly assist in the development of a student, while knowing how to entertain and to motivate. I would like add the ability to discern or judge what is true, right or lasting which is wisdom. In my 20’s I sought advice on two occasions when all I had was knowledge. Now the circle is complete. I have privately advised one of the wealthiest people in China identified by the Hong Kong’s Forbes List, as well as served as a Sr. Advisor for Johnson & Johnson for their new acquisition for 12 EMEA sites. Just as importantly, I have advised many young Chinese students regarding their career and life choices, including one who returned to China and was offered a position as a Dean of a university department. The ability to advise is the result of periodic personal reflection, while maintaining mental, spiritual and physical health and remembering to focus on living one's life. Education and standards are synonymous. ITTT presented a set of concepts and provided good practical advice for an ESL teacher to follow. I have rich experience in standards. The World Health Organization has designated me as a Global Expert on Quality and tasked some of us to create a new global standard for Innovation Management. The handbook has been referenced by every quality organization in the world, top universities and companies focused on discovery. Before advising WHO, I wrote an article for IEEE regarding the mental attitude and the success principles required for a successful innovation incubator. The management of the environment where learning takes place is as important as the teaching itself. Wisdom requires one to have walked ahead before advising those who are just starting. China’s State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs have stated that my professional and entrepreneurial experience qualifies me for a Class-A Foreign Expert designation. This will create genuine trust among parents, students and peers alike. I bring credibility and rich experience, and now I am also armed with ITTT's ESA concepts. I can guide the young and provide a peace-of-mind to the caretakers while contributing to the bottom line of the school in broad ways. Credibility is component of wisdom as much as subject matter expertise is to good teaching. Unit 1 identified nine specific roles that a teacher should know and posses. It would be a simple feat to identify each of them but this summative task is focused on self analysis against the standard of a good teacher identified in Unit 1. For example, a good teacher should know how to entertain. In my past life I was a Thespian stage actor in Los Angeles. Being in front of people and to presenting ideas has been part of me as long I can remember. I operated three windsurfing schools and am certified international karate instructor. The ablity to lead and to movitate students goes back four decades. It is true that kindness and patience are prerequisite attributes to love of teaching, instead of any teachnical skills. Wisdom separates a good teacher from a great teacher, yet wisdom will present itself only after we are brave enough to live our dreams according to vision and purpose. --END-- ps. Question No. 12 & 88 overlap a little in my thoughts