Teach English in Shimen Zhen - Shangluo Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Shimen Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Shangluo Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

In this day and age, we have access to the world from the tips of our fingers. Through the integration of the internet, humanity has been connected like it's never seen before in history. As globalization continues and English dominates as the business standard for the world's commerce. This has indeed made learning the English language a very lucrative skill to acquire. We will dive into what a TEFL certificate is and the benefits of obtaining your very own. The TEFL certification is for a person who is interested in teaching English to non-native speakers. It'll give you an outlined prospective for teaching ESL students. The course will give you a working format on how to structure lessons, and ideas on what type of materials to use. Lastly, the course will prepare you for dealing with situations revolving around language barriers. This will increase your ability to be productive from your first day on the job. Do you enjoy traveling to distant, exotic cultures? This certification alone would allow volunteering in countries such as Chili, Brazil, and even China. The perks of giving your time in charity come back two-fold. Usually, your room and board will be provided for and a food allowance would also be issued. The real kicker here is that you will be helping children that otherwise couldn't afford English lessons. Also, the country you do decide on will usually provide classes to teach their native tongue, which is always a plus. Do you enjoy a more flexible working schedule than the dull nine to five corporate atmosphere? If so, you are in luck. With a TEFL certification, you could potentially teach online. Setting your schedule as you see fit. There are caveats to this kind of work though. Assuming you are from the United States, You will be required to log on and teach at times where the students or businesses are ready for you. Which means, teaching to a country like China you'll see a schedule that's in the early morning. Just be mindful when applying to a company that teaches online, so that you are in agreement with the hours required. Ever wondered how some people finance there trips to other countries? The TEFL certificate is the perfect solution for anyone looking for income while traveling abroad. As long as you can maintain a fast internet connection, have a laptop with an HD camera and a headset with a mic. Once accepted, typical pay structures start you at $7 per 25 minutes, $14 per 50 minutes. But are factors that could increase that pay to $12 per 25 minutes, and $24 per 50 minutes. You must be aware that certain Educational requirements are required, and some companies will demand a bachelors degree along with a 120 hour TEFL certificate minimum. The opportunities that you'll get from a TEFL certificate are endless. With that in mind, why wouldn't you want to invest in your future? At the very least you'll be much better as an English speaker, and as a teacher. But the benefits far outweigh the amount you'll initially spend and the time invested. At the end of the day, it is just another tool. So make the most out of it.