Teach English in Qingyouhe Zhen - Shangluo Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Qingyouhe Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Shangluo Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

When a new teacher goes into a classroom for the first time they are confronted with the reality of human students versus what they learned what teaching is like from a book. Often what they find is that much of what is learned in the classroom and after careful lesson plan building, real life and the unpredictability of human nature can’t be anticipated. Perhaps only after a couple semesters of experience can a teacher figure out what to do with all levels of students to build students’ self-confidence in a skillful manner. One thing that a seasoned professional might have discovered early on in their career is that it’s important to instill confidence in all students no matter what their level. It’s part of human nature for people to compare themselves to others and students are often the most guilty of trying to measure themselves against others. A teacher can use several techniques and strategies for confidence building and hopefully keep them from comparing themselves to others. Encouraging students to do better on a test the next time can be important for students to compete against themselves and not their classmates. Part of the process could be emphasizing the testing by only showing them their own grades, maybe creating a chart to keep track of scores for their own record. A good teacher won’t put down or condemn a student for a low score on a test or homework. A teacher can give praise in the classroom or privately if they seem to not like unwanted attention. Giving a student the opportunity to speak more often with their peers would help many students. It might help if the teacher is the one creating groups with students of all levels working together. After evaluating a classroom via placement testing and diagnostics, a teacher can be more assured that they can help each student appropriately. A classroom of adult students would probably have multi-levels of skills in one classroom. A classroom full of younger students would more likely have many more students with the same levels of skills. A good way to show how a student has grown over a year is to have a goal or a project they are aiming for from the beginning of the semester. This is a good way to show much they have grown skill-wise from the beginning of the year. This project can give them confidence once they have figured out they have progressed in a real and visible way. Recording students at the beginning and at the end of a semester might be a fun way to show progress. When a teacher finds out what types of skills she will be working with, she would be able to create lessons to help each level with appropriate ESA instruction and the final project due at the end of the year. Letting students choose what the project could be with each group would also help build their self-worth because it would more likely assure interest in the project and therefore more motivated to complete it. This project should also help a student find confidence in speaking with their peers. Some students will thrive helping people who have lower skills than they do and will enjoy mentoring them. Others might be put off at having to always be helping those with lesser skill level. If a teacher is able to, time wise, it would be good to find the right mix for a group for both studying in the classroom setting and outside class time. It will help with group projects to have varying skills mixed in a group. Many students do not like being put in groups and having group projects due, but if it’s a good mix of producing and hesitant people, they will have a good outcome and feel positive about the project in the end. It’s important that a teacher let a student continue talking when presenting to the class and while speaking with their peers and not to correct all mistakes on the spot. Often, peers will help with correction in a diplomatic matter. As the main authority in this setting, it’s important to remain positive to all students. They need to feel the teacher is on their side and therefore there to help them.