Teach English in Qingshan Zhen - Shangluo Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Qingshan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Shangluo Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

It is generally agreed that education is one of the most important issues in every country nowadays and China is not an exception. It’s a well-known fact that China is the most populated country in the world with long and mysterious history, rich and varied culture. China recognises 55 ethnic minority groups within the country in addition to the Han majority. Standard Mandarin is the only official language, though there are more than 200 hundred living languages spoken all over the country. While being China’s capital, political and cultural centre, Beijing is also known as a melting pot where you can meet the representative of almost each ethnic minority group.All mentioned above has influences on Chinese learners while studying English. To make it more clear, I will continue with myself introduction. My English name is Kate, I was born in Russia and at the age of 17 came to Beijing as a language course student. Later on, I got my bachelor and master degrees in one of the best universities of China. Teaching English was my part- time job through the years of studying. Up till now I’ve been teaching English in Beijing for ten years, so the main reasons I’m encouraged in the chosen topic are my own experience of being a student in China and my own experience of being a teacher In China. First of all, let us try to understand that for Chinese learners English is not just a foreign language or an optional course, it’s a must which can help students enter better schools and find better jobs. Due to the overpopulation, the competition rate in China is much higher than in other countries, so it’s very common in big cities such as Beijing to start learning English at the age of 3 or 4. As I have already mentioned above, existing high competition rate caused by overpopulation leads us to the first problem for Chinese learners: they almost don’t have an opportunity to talk to the teacher during the lessons because the classes are always fully packed, especially in public education establishments such as kindergartens, schools and universities. An average amount of students in one class is 30-35, while in Russia, for example, is 20-25 students. One must admit that Chinese education system is incredibly strong in exact sciences. On the other hand, the main methodology used for teaching English is memorising vocabulary and grammar rules forms the next problem: Chinese learners have rich vocabulary but poor speaking skills. What is more, the first language has great influences on pronunciation of Chinese learners which I find one more problem. Standard Mandarin consists of characters and tones while English has alphabet, intonation and stress. Although Chinese students belong to the group of learners without Roman alphabet, Chinese characters are romanised using the Pinyin System, which is a great help for both the student and the teacher. Different linguistic backgrounds of Chinese learners in Beijing have their own consequences as well. People who came from the southern part of China almost can not pronounce [ ʃ ] because this sound doesn’t exist in their dialect. Beijingers have their own specialities in pronunciation. Certainly, all non- native English speakers have accent, but I find it harder for Chinese learners because some phonics are absolutely new for them. Furthermore, one should not forget that the teacher in Chinese society has his or her own status. From the early childhood students were taught that the teacher must be respected at all the times and teacher’s words are to be taken as a gospel. Asking the teacher a question during the class is usually treated as a sign of disrespect and bad family education. This concept was spread from generation to generation and leads us to one more difficulty: the breaking- ice time is very long. According to my experience, it may take several moths to make my students feel comfortable with me, to get used to partnership while studying, to feel more relaxed and treat me more like a good friend. To conclude, I should say that Chinese learners are extremely hard- working, greatly passionate in studying and respect their teachers a lot. Personally for me, it’s an honour to be a teacher in China. I do truly hope that with my help, support and encourage Chinese learners can overcome existing difficulties and problems easier and reach their goals in education and careers.