Teach English in Heilongkou Zhen - Shangluo Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Heilongkou Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Shangluo Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Well, I believe to be a teacher first step is to learn how to handle a class. It isn’t easy to manage a class with large number of students or a class that have students from different countries or if I need to go and teach in another country I need to be very careful with my gestures during my lesson. It is very important to keep students organized and focused throughout the lesson and not only that but make the lesson fun and give students a happy facial expression. Before starting to a lesson I have some rules which are for seats. Some of my students who are afraid of speaking English likes to seat at the last row so that they don’t have to answer my questions. So I try my best to keep an eye on them without making them feel that are being notice as students would feel more worst if they get to know they are being watched. I love to sing at one song with my students every day as per theme to bring a smile on their face. My everyday routine for my students is that once they have enter the class they need to submit their assessments if any, their homework and projects. This routine is very helpful as it saves a lot of time in the beginning of a class. Once everything is hand in I do a warm exercise to make them feel comfortable. After that, we have some simple words such as “class time” that means they need to take out their books, “tea time” means they need to line up and get ready for tea time, “art time” means its art class and they need to take out their colors, “home time” means they need to tidy up everything and get ready to go home. These simple words students can easily remember and that helps that to stay active in class. Another important thing for classroom management is to keep things organizes in classroom so that when any student need anything it should be easy for them to find and not to waste time here and there. If anyone needs or have anything to say they need to rise up their hand without any noise. Rule are important but more important is to increase self-esteem with praise and encouragement. I show my students that I care for them and to help them fight with their difficulties I help them the way they want such as games and songs. To have good environment in class I bring small useful gifts for students from where many start liking my lesson and start to pay more attention in class. In classroom management, peer teaching can help engage and educate disruptive and struggling students. Some more important rules that I have in my class is for behavior. All students need to speak use polite language such as “please & thank you”. It’s very important to keep an eye contact with students and students with teacher as this improves language skills. Well, I teach by students to speak one by one without interrupting their classmates.