Teach English in Fushui Zhen - Shangluo Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Fushui Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Shangluo Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Language is everywhere. It plays an essential role in our life. We use it as a tool to communicate with everyone. But do we understand how the brain process the language and the factors underneath it? Without further ado, let's identify the distinction between language learning and acquisition. According to Krashen`s, L1 (First language) acquisition happens in a natural setting but L2 (Second language) learning is different. Also, individual acquire linguistic knowledge subconsciously. In contrast, The second language is formal because the learning process happens in school with limited hours. And individuals are expected to learn the language consciously. Many studies that differ between L1 (children) learners and L2 (Adults) learners. First thing is the age group. They can learn languages without effort because of the language acquisition device (LAD). It's the innate ability to learn a language and only babies are born with this skill. They can obtain native competence to their second language. In contrast, adults have a general problem-solving cognitive system. This system which helps them to understand and grasp the meaning. Regarding the psychomotor skills, L1 can obtain native-like pronunciation for both in the first and second language because of the gradual development of speech muscles. H. Douglas Brown who believes that the decline flexibility of adult speech muscles affects the pronunciation. That's why adult learners cannot achieve a native-like pronunciation for the second language. The developmental sequences of acquisition and learning are very different from each other. In the situation of L1, children acquire their native language through a period of listening to it. They pick-up the sounds and rule of language by observing, imitating and repeating. Then will seek to find the meaning of the words they utter through trial and error. By the time a child is five years old, he or she can express ideas clearly. But the immediate production is not required. Children usually learn their language from their parents or caretakers. However, L2 learners are urged to speak without a silent period. Not able to feel the language naturally. The language mastery is rare. The focus of L1 is practical knowledge. These individuals might not know the grammar rule but can converse with a native. On the other hands, L2 is theoretical knowledge. It usually happens in a formal environment. Students study grammar rules and sentence structure. Might lack the confidence to communicate with a native. Behaviour and attitudes can affect the language competency. Some feelings can be positive or negative or individuals. In L1, children aren't stressed to acquire their native language and encourage for language production. Moreover, aren't demotivated if they make mistakes. For L2, Adults learners are afraid to make mistakes. Some of them experience "Language Fossilization" which means learners fail to learn the second language. It happens because of lack of feedback on learners usage of L2 and lack of motivation to improve. In conclusion, Learning languages shouldn't take place only inside the classroom but outside where they can immerse themselves to reach the fluency and accuracy. Language teachers must be sensitive to factors for the learning process. As well as students attitude will determine the success of language learning.