Teach English in Chaiping Zhen - Shangluo Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Chaiping Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Shangluo Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

There are a number of different languages in the world and according to statistics, there are approximately six thousand languages alive on earth and out of this six thousand languages only less than ten dominant. Almost all languages get extinct because their speakers get absorbed by the dominant languages. There are many reasons for this absorption, such as employment, opportunities, education, to put in one word "survival". Significant benefits of having a global language are: 1. No barriers- There will not be any language barriers. So anyone will be able to talk to anyone else in the world. 2. No hesitation- There will be no hesitation and there will be greater understanding between everyday conversations. We will not deal to keep our feelings to ourselves. 3. Better understanding- People will understand each other better, without the help of translators. 4. Improve relationship across borders- This will help to grow healthy relationships across the country borders, and thus contributing the economic growth. 5. Control is simple and easy -To make the communication easily between people with different languages, the global language should be able to provide the basic aspects each language has. "Everything should be made as simple as possible. But not simpler." Albert Einstein That kind of language is English, which considered to be the lingua franca in many parts of the world. Today it is used as a world common language. English is a global language. It's already spoken more than seventy-five countries. The reasons that this language becomes a global language are many. First, it's an easy language to be taught. Compare to other languages like Chinese, Japanese or Korean, English alphabet is very simple. Many other languages also use the same alphabet. And for the owners of that alphabet as well as for other non-native speakers it is easy to pronounce words and sentences in English. English grammar is also not complicated. Talking about vocabulary, it is worth mentioning the richness and depth of English's vocabulary with lots of synonyms, phrases, and idioms, which help the speakers to express themselves easily. Second, there are many areas where English is a dominant language. It's the language of worldwide business, travel and science and technology. It is estimated that about eighty percent of scientific journals are now published in English. It is usually used in tourist information centers, in international hotels and airports. Knowledge of English makes travel easier. It is also a common language of business meetings and international sports events. English is the main official language of a number of international organizations, such as EU, UNESCO, UNO. Most of the very popular films in the world are in English. One can make the best use of the internet if knows English, as many websites are in English. Taking into account this dominant role of English, it is predictable that English is now taught as a second or foreign language in most countries around the world. Every year about 1 billion people study English. People want and need to learn English because it gives them a lot of opportunities. The third reason that people believe English is a global language is that it is the official language of more than seventy-five countries. This means these countries use English in banks, government, schools, business. David Crystal estimates that there are about two billion English speakers in the world of which four hundred million are native English speakers and one and six billion are non-native speakers. In conclusion, English is used every day by many people, people all over the world come in contact with each other for many reasons, they need a common language, a language to facilitate communication. Being proficient in English gives someone an advantage in many situations.