Teach English in Caichuan Zhen - Shangluo Shi

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It is proved that the long term memory of a little child is well developed. The more part of the information a child learns remains for a long time. But it takes a child a lot of time to learn how to extract it from his memory and how to use this information. That’s why the games and activities can help him in it. The games can be taken at all the training stages but at the beginning stage they are very important. Games take more essential part of the child’s life. Moreover, as for him it is also the way of knowledge of reality. The game is always full of emotions and where emotions are there are activities, attention and imagination and intellection works. Game contributes involuntary remembering. Providing the fun classroom games into the lesson plan offers a simple way to motivate the learners and encourage them to make their own imagination and creativity. Nowadays, there are a lot of different kinds of games that teachers can use during their lessons. It is very important when the teacher makes learning exiting for students with interactive activities. However, choosing the right game is also very important, it depends on the situation, the way of organization, the levels of difficulty, the age and the quantity of the learners in class. By the form of games there are subject games, activity, the storyline or situation games, role play, competitive and intellectual games such as riddles, crosswords and quizzes. By the way of organization there are computer and non-computer games, written and oral, creative and so on. By the quantity of learners there are individual (one to one), pair, group, team and collective games. And the individual games represent the communication to the source of information while the other kinds of games represent the communication of the partners to each other that can provide the appearance of individual approach or differentiated approach to the process of learning the language. First of all, grammar material provides to proceed to the active speech of the students. As a rule, the training of grammar structures demands to revise it many times that’s why the students are usually tired of doing the same all the time and it has no result. The games will help to do the boring work more interesting and attractive. Lexical games promote the basis of the speech. Phonetical games are for correcting the pronunciation. Also spelling games provide the development lexical and pronunciation skills. The main aim is learning the spelling of the studied vocabulary. Speech games are for the creation of skills in speech activity, they are teaching audition, monologue speech, dialogical speech, reading and writing. These games train the learners to use creative speech skills. The material has been included in the plot organizational learning games contributes multiple repetition and learning vocabulary. The plots of games could be very different. Children don’t have to play the same game many times that’s why sometimes the teacher has to create their own games. As for me I usually use stories, fairy tales, films to develop the children’s imaginations and creative abilities. Children like to take part in staging. Acting the plot-role plays the children learn to create something new, impress their feelings and thoughts, make things real and develop their speech. Children are fond of acting different roles and it is also very necessary to make their roles available to them and without difficult words and phrases. And then the work will make the child happy. Using a game during the lesson, the teacher always has to remember that the game should include more learners, the games should be available and correspond to their age and language level. The games develop all the kinds of speech and playing them in English. The individual and quiet games can be taken at any time of the lesson. The collective games are usually taken at the end of the lesson because they are more competitive. The active games I usually take during the dynamic pauses. A game motivates the children to communicate to each other and the teacher. Moreover, it creates an equality in the conversation, destroys the tradition language barrier between the teacher and the learner. The main reason is to achieve to encourage the learners by the game. It is better to correct the mistakes after the game. As for me, I work in the local House of Culture with little children. I have three groups there, the first group is for 3 years old children, the second is for 6 years old ones and the third is middle aged. I find this job quite interesting because I have to create a lot of attractive things all the time. We also use many different games, songs and plays. For little children I try to find very simple games, developing the themes such as colours, numbers, animals, family and food. And in the second group we use the games to develop the vocabulary in other themes. For acting some performances, I usually use some little toys or handmade face masks. In my work I usually use three fairy tales. They are “the little house”, “the turnip” and ”the bun”. Every lesson should be attractive and interesting for the children. Everything depends on the beginning of the lesson. And I usually begin my lesson the toy conversation. A lot of different toys help me to do this. Every lesson we have different toy animal that always wants to speak and ask them a lot of questions. Below I would like to show some game which I use at my lessons. The children like the games more and they are very effective. Edible or unedible: The teacher throws the ball telling any word and the child should catch only “edible” words. Let’s go to the supermarket: Using some paper money children should ask the teacher to give them some food and then they ask how much it is and pay their money. We also use the game such as “hangman” , “bingo” and “puzzles” and others.