Teach English in Banqiao Zhen - Shangluo Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Banqiao Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Shangluo Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Outline: Introduction----Distinction between Evaluation and Testing ----Purpose of Evaluation and Testing ----Importance of Instructions in Evaluation and Testing ----Types of Tests ----Conclusion Keywords: Evaluation, Testing, Important and English language Evaluation and Testing are generally considered as a “Necessary Evil”. It is quite absurd to call them so. Evaluation and Testing are not so bad as to be called an” Evil”, although they are really necessary for an Educational system. At the very beginning, we can argue that no serious study is possible without testing. Everyone who pursues a course of study cannot be supposed to be so conscious as to complete it without the fear of tests. It is human nature that where there is no test, there is no care. Testing and evaluation are the best way of judging the capabilities of students. Evaluation and testing are very important aspects of teaching which determine the success and usefulness of teaching. The modern study focuses upon the quality of learning testing and evaluation process in the educational system. It is important to clarify the distinction between evaluation and testing. These terms are often used interchangeably, but they are technically different. Testing of an individual student’s progress or achievements is an important component of evaluation: It is that part of an evaluation, which includes the measurement, and analysis of information about student’s learning. However, Evaluation surpasses students’ achievements and testing to consider all aspects of teaching and learning and to look at how educational decisions are made by the results of an alternative form of assessment. After the teacher has taught something, it is a natural for him/her to know how far the students have learned and at what level he or she is and what more things are needed to consider for the improvement of students. Tests tell the teacher about the effectiveness of his/her teaching. The basic purpose of an evaluation is to make a judgment about the quality or worth something: an educational program, or proficiency of student’s attainments. The second purpose of evaluation and testing is to give students the opportunity to show what they have learned rather than catching them out or to show what they have not learned. The third purpose of evaluation and testing is also to motivate the students and show them how well they have learned the subject matter. The last purpose of Testing and evaluation is to give teacher useful information about how to improve their teaching methods. It is most important for a teacher and student, that regular form of testing of learning should be taken place. Effective evaluation and testing require detailed plans for an entire course. Preparing for evaluation should be an integral part of the planning of each lesson or unit as well as general planning at the beginning of school year or course. Instructions are also considered a fundamental aspect of evaluation. According to Genesee and Upshur 1996, in order to plan and make instruction that is appropriate for individual standards, it is necessary to understand the factor that influences student performance in class. Chastain 1998 believes that teacher needs to evaluate constantly their teaching based on student reaction, interest motivation, preparation, participation, perseverance, and achievement. The regular form of testing provides information to guide any modifications or improvements to your course. Tests are usually of different kinds • Placement test • Diagnostic test • Progress test • Aptitude test • Achievement test • Proficiency test Placement test is also called the level test and all four skills are often tested here. By this test, it is to check language level for admission in school and usually starts with easy questions and then difficult. Fill in the blank and multiple-choice questions are included in this kind of tests. Diagnostic test is done by the class teacher to know from where he/she should start to teach the students. This test tells the teacher about the current position of his/her students. Progress test is useful for a teacher to know areas of class weakness. Aptitude tests are designed to predict students probable future performance on a course. Achievement tests are designed to assess the students' current knowledge and reference this forward some future tasks (for the external exam). In the end, we can say that an efficient goal-oriented teacher teaching sequence contains clearly understood objectives and a sufficient amount of feedback to make students aware of the strength and weaknesses of their performance. Effective evaluation and testing require an understanding of the role of evaluation in planning as delivering instructions and testing call on the teacher to become agents of change in their classrooms actively using the results of testing to modify and improve the fearing environment. References; • Chastain, K (1988) Developing second language skill. HBJ, Publishers • Genesee F. and J. Upshur 1996 Classroom-Based Evaluation in Second Language Education. Cambridge University Press.