Teach English in Hushan Zhen - Rizhao Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Hushan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Rizhao Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Before taking this course, I wish I'd known that testing is not the final answer and/or result for students. Testing can be used for many purposes. Sometimes it is simply to evaluate; however, the evaluation may not reveal everything. Sometimes testing can be used to place a student, however, a diagnostic exam can later be used to see if the student was accurately placed. Before taking this course, I wished that I'd known that it was okay for teachers to simply call on students to answer questions. In my culture, students are taught to raise their hands first and then wait until a teacher allows them to answer. Sometimes it's okay for a teacher to simply call on a student to elicit an answer. Calling on students by name can also create a bond between teacher and student. Before taking this course, I wish I'd known that different students learn in different ways. During my time learning, I often had problems with different content. I assumed that my peers were having problems with the same content for the same reasons. Now I learned, that there are different methods to teaching and concurrently different methods to learning. Some students may prefer to see grammar illustrated through blocks or physical objects while others may simply want to practice grammar orally, or frequently be corrected while speaking. I learned that teachers need to be prepared to be flexible. Sometimes students will have cultural issues that create circumstances or topics that they do not wish to talk about. Although teachers are instructors, they should continue to be learners, by learning what works and what does not work. Teachers should be on the lookout for topics, words, or grammar that may be sensitive and inappropriate in the classroom. I learned that the ESA/boomerang ESA lesson plan//lesson style is an efficient type of lesson. Why is this efficient? it is efficient, because the first stage is to engage students. The only way to engage students is by finding something that they as individual students in the class are interested in. By finding what is is that will capture their attention, teachers will therefore be able to generate/ use content that students are willing to study. If teachers complete the first 2 parts of the ESA lesson structure, then the last part usually completes itself. If students have been thoroughly prepared and know how to use language principals, they are generally ready to take charge of the language themselves. Overall, the ESA lesson plan/lesson style is tried and tested; and should frequently be considered before entering the classroom. Lastly, before taking this course, I wish I'd known that students were coming into the classroom for different reasons. I assumed that students were coming into the classroom, because they loved English. I never considered that some students were coming into the classroom simply for a test, or because they were hoping to achieve a certain level of recognition. In short, this course was able to inform me and educate me about many aspects of language learning.