Teach English in Wangtai Zhen - Qingdao Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Wangtai Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Qingdao Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The process of learning a language is a very complicated process. Much depends on the innate abilities of students, the level of their concentration and past experience. Speaking of business students, it is worth mentioning their workload and possible fatigue and stress. A large number of factors can influence the process of learning positively or negatively. As a rule, the role of the teacher is very important. For productive training, the teacher should have a large set of skills which can help students to make progress in any case. I would like to consider some teacher skills that could be useful when teaching business students. To add to that, business teaching teaches should be sufficiently dressed. The first 6 seconds students and a teacher meet each other make the deepest impression. And first ideas of teachers are based on their appearance. Beginning their carriers in teaching business teachers should take into account a few important details. "One size doesn't feet all". There are two general types of business learners. For example business people who would like to improve their General English knowledge. The course books for such group is called English for Business. Their knowledge of business aspects is good enough. They can help a beginning teacher with great enthusiasm to clarify some business ideas. But they can have a lot of grammar gaps or language problems like these. On the other hand, the other group of foreign students needs to improve both - their language skills and their business knowledge and they need so called Business English lessons. They are usually the beginners of their carriers. Thus the importance of teachers non stop education and self development are impossible to overestimate. All studying activities start with a good management. Organization skill is very important for every teacher, especially when teaching business English. As usual, business students are people of order. Being a business teacher, he must be well organized in class activities. It is significant to be prepared for the lesson. For example, a teacher should adapt and combine interesting business topics before classes, not during the lesson. Speaking of a good management, it is impossible not to mention the development of a syllabus and a plan for each lesson separately. It can help teachers to act better, to point own aims and student´s objectives and to work step by step. Anyway, everybody knows that the lesson can not occur exactly as written. The next vital teaching skill is imagination. Quick flexibility can be also a useful skill when teaching. A good idea may come during the studying process. New interesting ways of thinking can motivate business students and give them different opportunities to improve the English language. It can be annual or month reports and statements of their "mother" company, balance sheets, newspapers, journal or magazine articles about their business aspects and problems - authentic or non authentic if it is necessary. Thus flexibility and imagination skill works in practice. Communication skill is the main topic of teaching and studying. For business people communication always become a part of their work. By needs analysis and negotiations teachers can understand the students objectives. It helps to define what kind of productive and receptive skills the students need most. Lessons based on communicative approach can provide situations that the students expect in a business world. A teacher should set an example by showing confident and well-coordinated communication. Clear explanation of the task is the most minimal, but, at the same time, a very important indicator of great communication teaching skill. Patience can be usually mentioned as an important teaching skill. For example, in situation with different language levels in the group teachers should stay strong and calm about weaker or less understanding students. The personal behavior of busy business students can also cause teacher impatience. It is always important to keep balance on scales. Application of skills depends on teacher´s role. To be a good psychologist, a teacher should have developed empathetic skill. Being a mentor, it is beneficial to be a master of leadership skills to provide a good role model. Teachers should activate their organization skills when acting policeman role. All business students need different teacher roles when it is necessary in spite of their age. Each of the roles implies an excellent communication skill. Thus we can figure out how teaching skills work. Combination of all that skills makes teachers as proficient as possible. But it is a big topic to discuss how to be strict but emphatic, organized but entertaining, calm but motivating. Professional development should become a "must skill" for any teacher who would like to commit to the craft of teaching especially craft of teaching business. Business language teaching is one of the most rewarding experience.