Teach English in Tianzhuang Zhen - Qingdao Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Tianzhuang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Qingdao Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Although I have never taught in my own classroom, I have had several experiences in both teaching English as a foreign language and teaching in general which I believe will benefit me in my future classroom. Last summer, I lived with a host family in Italy for seven weeks. I spent four of these weeks assisting middle school English teachers, and I spent the remaining weeks facilitating and working an English summer day camp for elementary aged students. My experience in the middle school taught me the importance of limiting the use of students’ native language when teaching English. The teachers at the school were Italian, and the majority of English instruction was delivered in Italian. I noticed that students were not necessarily challenged or encouraged to attempt to speak English, so many students lacked fluency. At the summer camp, on the other hand, I was told to only speak to my students in English in order to encourage students to attempt communicating in English. This was difficult since my campers were only eight years old, but I noticed an improvement in their English during the camp since the environment was so immersive. During both my time in the middle school and the camp, I saw the importance of establishing rapport with students so they would feel comfortable in the learning environment. I did this through introducing myself with a powerpoint and inviting students to introduce themselves to me through name games; I would like to incorporate introduction games in my future classroom as a TEFL teacher. Further, I used and witnessed numerous teaching strategies during both my classroom and camp experiences that I find would be useful for all English language learners. I played games such as Simon Says with my students to teach grammar. I have experience using lessons from an English textbook. I also found Youtube is a helpful resource for both videos and songs. After my trip to Italy, I travelled to Costa Rica for four weeks where I took 3 ESOL courses with a Language and Literacy Education Professor. My group, along with the help of our professor, planned and facilitated an English Summer camp for children in the community. During my trip to Costa Rica, I learned how to write and administer a Needs Analysis for students, and I was able to administer a Needs Analysis I wrote to several students at the summer camp. I can use my familiarization with Needs Analyses to administer them to my future students, so I can gauge interest, understanding/ experience, and personal goals for learning English. I also learned about different types of English Instruction methods during my ESOL classes as well as strategies such as games, dancing, and music to help teach English. In addition to my experiences teaching English as a foreign language, I also have experience teaching in general which I know will be helpful in my future classroom. I studied Social Studies Education at my University, and I spent a total of 26 weeks student teaching in Social Studies Classrooms. During my time as a student teacher, I learned how to lesson plan which will be a helpful skill to begin my TEFL career already having. In addition to planning a lesson, I have experience adapting my lesson plan to meet the varying levels and needs to students. My student teaching experience also allowed me to develop classroom management skills. I learned the importance of setting high, clear expectations for students in order to maintain an orderly learning environment. Further, I have experience building rapport with students to create a positive learning environment where students feel comfortable participating. I have a passion for teaching, and I am excited to begin working as an English teacher. I know I still have a lot to learn about how to be an effective teacher, but I know the experiences I have had teaching so far will help make me as I begin my TEFL career.