Teach English in Rizhuang Zhen - Qingdao Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Rizhuang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Qingdao Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

As the Chinese classical literature written by Confucius’ students goes,a man who is good at singing can make others indulge in singing and linger, and a person who is good at teaching can make others inherit his aspirations. His language is concise and understandable,implicit yet beneficial.He uses figures of speech to paraphrase the essence of the words. In this way, it can be said that his will was inherited.If teachers want to become good educators, they should enhance their own teaching language to make teaching more effective.. Due to some reason, common linguistic problems are usually found among teachers.One of which is logic confusion and semantic disorder. Some teachers talk casually in class due to a lack of adequate pre-class preparation or inexperience.Although in the classroom, the language is mainly spoken, but it is also different from the spoken language of daily life.Classroom language should be scientific, standardized and rigorous. Those teachers’ language are usually found logic and semantic confusion. Due to ill-natured pronunciation habits and strong accents,another common problem in teachers' language is illegibility and ambiguity.Nevertheless,the most common problem in teachers' classroom language are the lack of vocabulary and too much invalid words.Many classroom languages are impromptu languages, which are mainly organized by teachers' knowledge and experience. However, due to the influence of life language, teachers are prone to the phenomenon of slow thinking response ability in the classroom, there may be a lack of vocabulary, or even oral short circuit phenomenon, repeated use of the same one or two words.For example, words like the answer is correct, you are great, are repeated used by teachers in class. In fact, there are many kinds of words that express the same meaning that can be utilized such as brilliant,awesome,gorgeous,fantastic etc... In view of above problems,according to my personal experience, some solutions are provided.First of all,teachers and teachers-to -be should strengthen oral training.As Kalinin, an educator in the former Soviet Union, said that people with knowledge are not necessarily qualified for teaching. This is just that they have mastered materials, and it is good to have more materials, but they also require great skills to make rational use of these materials in order to impart knowledge to others.Teachers and teachers-to-be can practice listening and speaking skills in their spare time, listen to news programs with standard pronunciation,tongue twister etc... Secondly,teachers can train to control their speech speed. Sometimes it is based on the feelings of the teacher, sometimes on the need to express the content, and sometimes on the acceptance needs of the students.In order to control the speed of speaking, teachers can practice pausing, record and test the speed of their own, learn the language speed of other excellent teachers, and improve their own speed of speaking. Last but not least,teachers need to expand their knowledge reserves.Teachers have rich knowledge of humanities and science, which can effectively improve the quality of teaching and enhance personal charm.While teaching students, teachers should also constantly update their educational ideas, keep pace with the times, and strengthen their own learning.Through reading newspapers, paying attention to the network trends and hot spots, participating in social practice exercise, taking part in all kinds of teaching activities and competitions, teachers can constantly update their own language library.