Teach English in Qiji Zhen - Qingdao Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Qiji Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Qingdao Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

I’ve been on the teaching industry for almost 4 years. To be honest, teaching was my first choice of course when I entered college. During my college days, we have undergone series of immersion and practice teaching with a hands-on encounter with different kind of students. In connection with that, it really helped me to realized how varied are my students would gonna be right after college. Because of the different learning experience that I have had during my college years, I have been highly motivated to teach my future students with the exemplary use of teaching techniques and methods that best suits them. Moreover, all experiences that I have made are all new but have helped me to adjust on my first job as a teacher right after finishing my Bachelor’s Degree in Secondary Education. My first full-time teaching career is located on the city. I was a teacher of Filipino-Chinese students with an age range of 15-18 years old. Teaching this kind of students have activated all the experiences that I have gained in the university. I make use of different classroom strategies for each section to further deliver my classroom instructions on the most convenient and engaging way. However, there are some unexpected encounter where students loses their mood and enthusiasm to participate in the class even though my pedagogies are all engaging. To address the issue, I made use of differentiated engaging activities which are divided into 4 stations that each group from my class would accomplish all throughout the period. Furthermore, it was effective and I was able to motivate my introvert students to participate more on our class. I have taught this group of kids for almost 2 years. On this specific time frame, I shifted my pedagogies based from monthly experiences that I am encountering all through out the school year to adjust it on the needs of my students. Nevertheless, my first full time work as a teacher were the times that I have felt that I am really destined to become an educator. After almost 2 years of working in a Filipino-Chinese School, I have moved to the University to upgrade my professional development as a teacher and to further challenge myself to go beyond my limits. On this type of school, I handle Science, Technology and Society subjects for Engineering Students. Aside from that I am also handling general education courses on Biological Sciences and Chemistry for 1st year Science Education Majors. Teaching secondary students and tertiary students are two different entities which requires a specific methods of teaching. The kind of experience that I have had during this period are all project-based approach and outcome-based approach. Since the primary goal of the institution where I am working is to developed research-oriented individuals, I have fully adjusted my teaching styles to meet the expectation of the school on me as a faculty member. For example, I let my students do simple researches on specific subjects such as chemistry and biology. The instructions that I have is being guided by the course modules and syllabus that we have reconstructed from our department. Majority of the lessons are organized which clearly resulted to a meaningful learning among my students. In connection with that, those experiences that I have gained on working at a University have geared me to become an effective and efficient teacher. Currently, I am working on an international school and I can surely say that those experiences that I have gained from the past have molded me to easily adjust the kind of pedagogies that is best suited for my student’s needs. My personal teaching experience serves as a scaffolding on my foundation as an educator. Everything that I am now is because of the experiences that I have learned in the past. Lastly, I am always open on gaining more experiences on the current time and on the near future to further sharpen what I already have at the moment.