Teach English in Ducun Zhen - Qingdao Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Ducun Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Qingdao Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

What is the most effective teaching style? When a teacher wants to teach students, he or she adapt a specific teaching style that gives an idea or describe his or personality and also depending on the student’s need. Everyone has different approach and need to adjust to students. There are diverse teaching styles and it is not easy to say which one is better, which one is the most effective, since every teacher has different perspective. Here are the main teaching styles, their advantages and disadvantages and which one I think is the most effective one and the reason behind it. One of the well known teaching style is the Authority, or lecture style. This style is teacher-centered style and it often involves long lecture sessions or one-way presentations. Students should then try to absorb the information and take notes whenever they feel it’s necessary to do so. The advantage for this style is that it can be acceptable especially for colleges where there are larger numbers of students in one class and where it’s convenient for the auditorium settings. This style is suitable for certain parts of English lessons, especially for the ones that necessitate memorization from the students. Regarding the disadvantages, it’s obviously the lack of interaction between teachers and students of all ages , it can make the students fall asleep and this may not help the students to check their level and improvement in English language also cannot give the teachers a clear view of their student’s current levels and needs. Furthermore, it’s not convenient for children since at their ages they are more interactive than adults and they cannot handle sitting, listening and concentrating on the lesson. The facilitator or activity style encourages self-learning and help students develop critical thinking skills and retain knowledge that leads to self-actualization. This style help students to ask questions and try to find answers and making researches to find solutions by themselves however this style doesn’t help teacher to measure student’s success and memorization and can also lead students to be addictive to activities and games so they accept the lecture style for some parts of lessons anymore. Another style is the Hybrid, or blended style. Hybrid, or blended style is a mix of the teacher’s personality and interests with student’s’, it doesn’t have to integrate only one style but it’s a mix of different styles. The good point is that it’s inclusive and helps teacher to adapt their styles depending on needs and subjects, it give less chance for the students to be bored and gives more freedom to the teacher but this style can make things difficult for the learning process as the teacher is trying to present too many things at the same time and thus makes it difficult for students to absorb all information, to be focused and to remember everything. In general not all students can respond to one particular teaching style because each student is different from the other, they may have different levels, needs, strengths and weaknesses. Teachers on the other hand may encounter difficulties to find the ideal teaching style and this applies for new teachers and others. As we looked at previously, each style has its own advantages and disadvantages and each one may be very different from the other, however the hybrid or blended style can be the most suitable and effective teaching style and this due to its advantages that surpasses its disadvantages first this style guarantees the participation of students and the interaction between teacher and students and this can help students to improve their language level day by day basis and keep them aware of the mistakes they are doing and the correction, and it gives students more confidence and make them brave towards learning English by participating in different activities and receiving the teacher’s feedbacks. This kind of style gives options for the students whenever they feel tired, unable or bored, so when students feel that they don’t understand something and need clarifications, the teacher in this style change at any time the direction of the lesson and can give lectures and to support lectures the teachers can give activities to check if the students have understood or not and put lesson into practice to avoid routines and boredom.