Teach English in Dacun Zhen - Qingdao Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Dacun Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Qingdao Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

In modern society a teacher is seen as someone who has high levels of confidence because they work with lots of students everyday. Yes they may have lots of confidence but it hasn't always been that way. I think when a teacher is relatively inexperienced their confidence levels are not very good. I know from personal experience that working with a large number of students for the first time can be very daunting. It may not be daunting for the students but for the teacher it may take a while to build up more confidence when teaching. Students can immediately sense when a teacher is nervous as they are very observant. There are a lot of options on how a teacher can increase his/her confidence. Firstly the teacher has to build a good rapport between them and the students. The atmosphere inside the classroom has to be relaxed and not tense. Get to know the students better, learn their names and make them feel welcome. A teacher will find by doing this as they teach the students from there on then the confidence will increase more. Secondly try and present the lessons in a creative and fun manner. If the students are having fun the teacher will start to feel more relaxed and their confidence will improve. When presenting a lesson the teacher shouldn't be too strict or professional as this will make him/her tense and confidence levels will decrease. I know many young and inexperienced teachers do this as they want the lesson to run perfect but its not necessary. A teacher is allowed to make mistakes at the beginning and should learn from them to be a better teacher. When preparing for a lesson the teacher should also make sure they are well prepared and know which topics to teach during different stages of the lesson. By being well prepared the confidence levels are much higher and the lesson more successful. The chances of mistakes occurring are much less. The teacher should also not put too much pressure on themselves. They must have a relaxed behavior and teach the lesson as they have prepared to. When the lesson doesn't go exactly as planned it shouldn't catch the teacher off guard and start to panic. The teacher should just keep on teaching as they planned and not disrupt the lesson by stressing. When there are good disciple inside the classroom and the students are performing well the teacher will also experience more confidence. They will notice that all the hard work put in and success of the students will make him/her feel better about themselves. The students will notice this and they will also want to perform better because their teacher has better confidence and putting extra effort in for them. A teacher should also not be afraid to ask for help. Its nothing to be ashamed of when unsure about something. When unsure about something the teacher can consult a more experienced teacher. By asking for help the teacher will feel more confident in him/herself and learn from that experience. A teacher should not be afraid of looking at different ways to teach. When noticing that certain way of teaching is not successful the teacher will not feel good about him/herself. By trying a different manner of teaching they can notice when its working and if successful will feel more confident to teach in that manner in the future. The teacher can also use a variety of resources to see how other teachers teach in a more confident manner. He/she can attend a lesson being taught by another teacher and take note of the way the lesson progresses. They can watch videos online from other teachers and take note of how they teach in a confident manner. Speaking to other teachers and brainstorming ways to be more confident can also be of great help. Attending workshops can also be a way to increase confidence. The teacher should attend them on a regular basis and not be afraid to learn something new. By doing that they will come into contact with other teachers who can share their experiences. A teacher can also join a support group. Getting feedback from students can also determine the confidence levels of the teacher. If the feedback is negative then the teacher will not feel very positive. If the feedback is positive then the teacher will feel as if they are teaching as they should and be more confident. There are many ways for a teacher to increase their confidence levels in the classroom. They don't have to feel as if they are failing as a teacher, there are ways to be a better teacher.