Teach English in Xindian Zhen - Neijiang Shi

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This Unit 2 is about ''PARTS OF SPEECH''. It's a grammar lesson rreferring to the different words used to structure sentences in English. I have learnt that these parts have their sub categorisas follow: NOUNS(countable, uncountable, propre, common, plural or singular). Then, we have studied VERS(transitive, intransitive, base form, past participle, present participle simple past, and then regular and a big list of irregular verb). After that, the unit refers to ARTICLES which are definite or indefinite and also Zero articles for general matters. The Unit 2, we have seen as parts of speech ADJECTIVES that describe suject. For example He is happy, HAPPY is the adjective. To make comparison, we can use superlative adjective(the best child in the class) comparative he is the more handsome boy. We have focused then on GERUNG used as a noun different from the one used as a structure for preogressive structure of verb. For example: Playing is very relaxing. Subject is Playing. We have seen the PRONOUNS(relative, reflexive, possessive, personnal) then CONJUCTIONS as linking words for the same species or clauses in sentences (as, and, or, because, both...and, either...or). We have also seen ADVBERS that give more details or information about verb. They are categorized in adverbs of manner, time, degree, frequency. And we have seen their places in the sentence, so after the subject or between the auxiliary verb and the verb. For example; the slowly walks, or he usually foced on the matter. Finally, we have learnt a lot about the prepositions which indicate the ralations between nouns in a sentence such as: at, in, by, into, in, on, to, some are parts of different categories of prepositions.