Teach English in Zhaoxian Zhen - Luliang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Zhaoxian Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Luliang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The Theory of Multiple intelligences was my favourite theme at the University. This theory was formulated in 1983 by American psychologist Howard Gardner. Gardner argued that the intelligence quotient can’t cover a wide range of human skills and abilities and that it couldn’t detect some important areas of intelligence. While traditional IQ tests focus on assessing logical-mathematical skills, Gardner's expanded theory of multiple intelligence postulates the existence of at least eight other more or less independent intelligences: linguistic intelligence, logical-mathematical intelligence, visual-spatial intelligence, musical intelligence, physical-motion intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, intrapersonal intelligence and naturalistic intelligence. The verbal-linguistic intelligence refers to expression and communication skills. People with highly developed verbal-language intelligence masterfully master not only semantics (understanding of the meaning of words), phonology (sounds and their interactions) and syntax (rules for sorting words into sentences), but also their practical application in various ways of communication. They often control several foreign languages without any problems. They can be used for example as writers, lawyers, reporters, translators or interpreters. The logical-mathematical intelligence refers to the ability to solve nonverbal problems, work with abstract symbols, numbers, and characters. This type of intelligence is well developed by scientists, mathematicians, programmers, and other professions that require exact thinking. The visual-spatial intelligence refers to the ability to navigate, to read maps and to orient in space in general. It is obvious that people with above-average visual-spatial intelligence are well-suited as drivers, taxi drivers or pilots. This type of intelligence is also well developed in the case of artistically focused individuals, such as sculptors or architects. The musical intelligence refers to the ability to perceive, differentiate and interpret musical stimuli. This type of intelligence develops first - typically in the early childhood - and involves understanding the melody, rhythm, and tone of the sound, but also the ability to understand the emotional aspects of music and sounds. Physical – motion intelligence refers to the ability to perfectly control your body for a defined purpose. It includes both the ability to fine-tune objects and the ability to perform highly coordinated movements of the whole body, that’s typical of dancers, athletes or some craftsmen. Interpersonal intelligence sometimes called also The social intelligence refers to the ability to record and differentiate between the manifestations of others, to perceive the intentions and desires of others, and to act on that knowledge. Highly developed intrapersonal intelligence is often characterized by experienced parents, teachers and psychologists, as well as some politicians or other public figures. The intrapersonal intelligence refers to an individual's ability to adequately approach his own emotions, understand himself, and act accordingly. For example, individuals with highly developed intrapersonal intelligence are able to cope quickly with stress. The naturalistic intelligence was defined by Gardner in 1998 and relates to the ability to properly understand connections in both living and inanimate nature. Sometimes it is also characterized as the ability to correctly distinguish between individual animal and plant species. This kind of intelligence was very significant in the times of hunter-gatherers, today, for example, excelled by botanists and zoologists. It is clear that no one can excel evenly in all these types of intelligence. Somebody may have musical or other talents. While logical-mathematical and verbal-language intelligence is relatively easy to measure, musical and physical-motion intelligence can no longer be measured. Interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence are practically immeasurable, but largely determine the quality of life of an individual and his/her success in society. My boyfriend is amazing musician, I studied music too, I played guitare but I wasn't good student of music, I think I have more developed the visual-spatial intelligence.