Teach English in Xishe Zhen - Luliang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xishe Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Luliang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

A lot of students wonder why it is important for them to learn English if they do not live in an English speaking country. Some students are forced from a very young age to start learning it and they do not understand why nor do they see the benefit it will have in their lives in the future. It is my intention in this essay to explain why it is important for students from all over the world to learn English because it is a global language. Many countries require their students to have an intermediate to high level of English abilities to enter university or to graduate from secondary school. The reason for that is in today’s more connected culture English usage is on the rise. It is almost a requirement to get any job in most countries. If you work in the field of business it is necessary to not only read and write in English but to also be able to give complex presentations to an audience of English speakers. The UK and the United States are some of the biggest global business partners and the first step to doing business with either is to be able to communicate in English. Another industry that is very important to know the English language is tourism. The tourism market is one of the biggest sources of revenue for most European countries. English speakers come to visit these amazing and diverse countries without knowing that countries language because they know that the people that are running the hotels, restaurants and tourist sites know how to successfully communicate in English. I am of the belief that all people should learn as many languages as they can but the fact is that most English speakers only know one language. Therefore, to capitalize on that market of tourism is it essential that the people working in the tourism industry learn English at a level that they can communicate effectively with someone who is looking to enjoy their beautiful country. The last reason I would like to mention to answer the question why it is important to learn English is that it connects people and cultures from all over the world. With the onset of the different social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram the world has gotten much more connected and smaller. People are hearing about issues and injustices that they would never have known about before and they are helping resolve those differences. Another motivator for young people to learn English is that a lot of popular movies, music and artists are from the United States. To be able to understand the movies, music and cultural references of these popular icons one must know English. These social media platforms also create ways to connect individuals to have a cultural and language exchange. Using them this way allows people from all over the wold to connect and learn about each others culture, beliefs and ways of life. To conclude, English is a global language that has many benefits for those who learn it. Not only will students and individuals benefit economically but also personally. It will open up job opportunities and it will help students develop a global perspective that will help them grow as people. Language connects all people to discuss ideas, desires, cultures and ways of life. I am excited to help bring people together by teaching English as a foreign language.