Teach English in Xinghuacun Zhen - Luliang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xinghuacun Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Luliang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

There are two types of classes teachers come across on a regular basis, the first being one-to-one teaching and the second being group teaching. Both types of class have unique benefits and challenges, many of which are not apparent until teaching them by one’s self. Neither class is inherently better than the other. However, one may be more appropriate for a certain student than the other and as a teacher, one may find more enjoyment and fulfilment from teaching one type of class over the other. One-to-one classes, involve one teacher and one student. Many will identify this more as tutoring, than as a traditional class, while not completely wrong that is not truly accurate. Tutoring is a one-to-one class, closer to studying what one should already know, and is more of a review and study session, than a continuing class. One-to-one classes take a different type of preparation than a traditional class, as one tailors the lesson to the student. A teacher may cover the same lessons in a one-on-one, that he covers in a traditional class. However, his lessons have more freedom to cover a variety of topics and are free to move at the student’s pace. This allows the teacher to make sure that the student remains active and does not become bored. The teacher does not have to worry as much about losing the student due to ability, as he can make the lesson fit with the student’s ability. The main drawback of conducting one-to-one classes is that the student is unable to practice with others. The student only hears the teacher and can not play off of other students. If the teacher has an issue getting a point across to the student he cannot try to explain it using another student. A one-to-one student will not be presented with an assignment to do in class that requires asking a variety of people the same question and getting different answers, but, a teacher may be able to simulate this by using a video or perhaps taking a field trip. Group classes, are more of what one traditionally thinks of as a class. A teacher must conduct classroom management, and be able to keep an eye on multiple students at a time. One of the biggest benefits of group classes is that one can conduct group work. Students can work in pairs and help teach and learn from each other. The main downside of teaching in group classes remains that of losing students, either due to them being above level, or below it. It can be quite difficult to teach a class with a wide range of levels, as a teacher, one teaches mostly to the average student, but one must also make sure that both your highest level and lowest level students are progressing. In essence while one may cover the same topics between the two types of class, the way in which one presents the information is different. Group lessons are great for people who are competitive and like learning in a group environment. They are a wonderful way for the average person to learn. One-to-one lessons, are perhaps better suited for students who have more specific needs, and therefore require more from a teacher.