Teach English in Wutong Zhen - Luliang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Wutong Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Luliang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

When working with a company to offer a series of English language classes to their employees there would be some extra administrative tasks that would not be part of a standard lesson course. These are related to the way that companies buy and evaluate services. Also it is very probably the school would want to have follow on business with the company and would be eager to show that they had delivered on their commitments. This is much more likely if there is clarity as to the goals of the course from the start. In general when a company buys in external services, such as teaching, the organizer will need to justify the budget and be able to show that the service was worth the money. The school representative and teacher would be eager to help them collect this information so it can be presented to management. Therefore it is very important during the initial discussions for the two sides to have a clear understanding of the expected outcomes and how these will be measured. As well as the terms and conditions. In particular the following items should be agreed:- 1. Conditions: How many students will attend, how many lessons, of what length and what frequency. 2. Outcome: What is the goal of the company? How will it be measured? What is the target? 3. Facilities: Where will the training take place? What facilities will be available (projector, whiteboard, sound) 4. Who will attend, names and titles. Having agreed what the goal is the teacher will be able to develop a set of course material which is tailored towards that goal. It would probably be worth talking through this, at least at a high level, with the organizer on the company side, so that there is no room for misunderstanding. On the first lesson it would be important to validate the expected outcome with the students. If there is a discrepancy, it should not be discussed in the class but rather raised with the organizer later. If the students don't agree with the organizer on the goals, they may not be fully engaged. Also in the first lesson it would be important to get a test of the students language ability. The purpose of the test would be twofold. a) to get an understanding of the current level so that the teacher can set the class at an appropriate level and b) to provide a baseline to compare to. It would be good to have three versions of this test. The other two would be given in the middle of the course and third one could be run at the end. The results could then be compared. When creating the content for the test it is important to align it to the goals of the company. As the course progresses the teacher should keep track of attendees, course work completion (if any), any changes in schedule or any other changes which differ from the original agreement. Mid-way through the course the test should be taken and an assessment of progress given to the organizer and if necessary discussed with them in a face to face meeting so that if any adjustments need to be made these can be incorporated. During the final lesson the teacher should run the third version of the test. A satisfaction survey should also be filled in by the students to get formal feedback on the class. Do note that the teacher should be soliciting feedback all the way through the course and make adjustments as necessary. After the course is finished, the teacher should create a report containing 1. The subjects covered 2. The attendee record 3. The test scores 4. The metrics that were agreed upon in the original meeting. This should be given to the organizer and, again if necessary, accompanied with a face to face meeting to go over any questions. In this way the teacher and school are supporting their ally in the company. The extra work in defining the criteria, measuring the results and presenting them the company will be more than worth it. It will increase the chances of an outcome that all agree was good and increase the chances of the school being asked back for further work.