Teach English in Watang Zhen - Luliang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Watang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Luliang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

It is important for any educator to learn(and apply)teaching skills because a teacher's abilities and conduct are key factors which greatly contribute to student success or, conversely, a lack thereof. The preceding statement must not be mis-interpreted as advocating for a "teacher-centered" learning environment. All activities of an educator must be aimed at increasing the student's ability to effectively learn and use the target language. The phrase "teaching skills" encompasses a number of broad categories, many of which overlap to varying degrees in that a teacher's effectiveness in one area is usually impacted by their effectiveness in another. Selected are three imperative teaching skills; communication, organization and technical knowledge. These were selected as samples from a much larger group of teaching skills and include explanations as to why each of them is vitally important. Communication is a multi-faceted skill and is, in my opinion, the single most important element in an educator's relationship with his/her student/students. The most important element of communication is not the expression of one's own thoughts but rather it is the ability and willingness to listen. For a teacher, the expression of knowledge is of course vital however the effectiveness of that expression will be in direct proportion to how well the teacher has listened to, and thus gained an understanding of,the needs and goals of his or her students. It is highly beneficial that a teacher gains at least a general understanding of their student's background, culture, educational history and family dynamics. While it is necessary for the teacher to consistently listen to and be aware of their student's needs throughout the term of the course, the most critical time for the teacher to begin the process "getting to know" his or her students is at the beginning of the course. This can happen through the practice of casual conversation between teacher and student, games such as throw-the-ball, written form, group dialogue,etc. Whichever specific methods are applied, the goal is to elicit information from the students in a safe,secure setting without causing discomfort or infringing on their privacy. Show the students that you take a genuine interest in them, their lives, and their education! Doing so will also increase the teacher's ability to understand and empathize with students when/if they struggle. In order to create an environment wherein the students feel motivated to share about themselves, it is necessary for the teacher to also be open about himself or herself.(To an appropriate degree). Demonstrate to the students that you are comfortable with them and interested in establishing a positive relationship with them. Doing so will gain their trust and will establish healthy rapport. When teaching or instructing, it is very important for the teacher to project confidence and enthusiasm. Voice clarity and volume, gestures, facial expressions,body language and an encouraging manner are all of great importance. Even eye contact can be used as a method of communication in certain circumstances. By developing this skill, an educator will have created the cornerstone of his or her ability to establish trust, impart knowledge, motivate and maintain classroom discipline. Organization is a skill that many people struggle with from time to time. Educators are no exception. This is an important skill as it too has a direct bearing on the effectiveness of classroom time for the students. The development and consistent application of good organizational techniques and habits requires a high degree of self-discipline. Some educators are naturally inclined towards organization while others must consciously make an effort to achieve an acceptable level thereof. Organizational skills must be applied to virtually every aspect of a teacher's activities; including course planning, individual lesson planning, board work, classroom seating, student homework, teacher homework and preparation for teacher/parent interaction. It is of importance, however, that a focus on organization does not lead to a rigid approach. For example, in a classroom setting, if there was a certain amount of time allocated in the lesson plan for grammar study but some of the students are struggling, a teacher must be flexible enough in order to recognize and provide for extra time focused on the area of difficulty.(Without completely abandoning the lesson plan in general). It is always beneficial for a teacher to consistently demonstrate a high level of organization to the students; doing so will boost student confidence in the teacher and will also place the teacher in a position of being a positive role-model, to be emulated.(Another important teacher attribute). Another key skill that a good teacher will possess is sound technical knowledge of the subject that is being taught. Having the ability to accurately and smoothly impart knowledge to students is, of course, also subject to application of communication skills, but is actually grounded in the instructor having sufficient relevant knowledge. Therefore, it is essential that the teacher possesses and applies a "sub-skill"; that of being a student themselves. It is important that educators periodically review material(even if they feel completely confident) and also, it is very beneficial if teachers keep abreast of current information. In the writer's opinion, any educator that is teaching, for example, English to students that are at a basic level, should have a higher level of subject understanding than that at which he or she is teaching. This is important because in order to thoroughly explain the information at basic level, one must have a deeper understanding of the rules and logic which govern the language at that level. This is achieved by having a higher level of knowledge and understanding relevant to that particular subject. Although only three of many important teaching skills have been discussed in the preceding paragraphs, the same overarching justification can and should be applied to the development and continual improvement of all skills possessed by educators; that being a constant striving towards the goal of providing students with a rich and challenging learning experience which will have positive practical effects on their lives in the present and the future.