Teach English in Tuanshuitou Zhen - Luliang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Tuanshuitou Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Luliang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Classroom management is something that is obviously key to having a successful class and a successful teaching academic year. If the teacher just lets the classroom do whatever they please, and has no structure or set up in the class, then the students will therefore not be able learn as much as they can or should. One of the things I loved learning about in one of the units was that, even though it is a popular belief that you must be an extrovert to be a good teacher, this is not always the case. Some great teachers are actually the opposite of extroverts, but they are still able to teach students in an effective and smart way. It is important to find your own way and style of teaching so that the students learn as much as possible. The most important thing as a teacher is to instill confidence and inspire the students. If the teacher is uninterested in the subject they are teaching then the students will also be uninterested and unmotivated to learn or try in the class. Classroom management is a skill, and within it is organizing and managing the class, maintaining discipline, and not being too uptight that the students feel intimidated. One thing needed for a teacher is establishing good rapport with the students. To accomplish this, eye contact, gesturing and the voice are key. For example, if you never look into the students eyes, it will seem like you are unconfident and therefore have problems with discipline. Something that is key to organizing the classroom is “grouping students”, and there are multiple pros and cons to each different ways of grouping the students. My favorite way of grouping students that I learned about is “pair-work”. There are multiple pros to this specific way of grouping. Some include: increasing opportunity to speak which helps learn more, allows teachers to help with whoever needs most help, creates a safe environment for students tp share ideas and thoughts, allows the stronger students to help weaker students, etc. There are also a few cons to this which include: noisiness in the classroom and the possibility of a student being paired with a partner they may not like. As a teacher it is their job to find out which kind of grouping will work most for that specific classroom. The next thing that is important in this lesson is classroom arrangement. The way you organize a classroom has to do with the amount of space available, the number of chairs and tables available, and the student’s personality. There are multiple ways chairs can be set up, they don’t need to only be in the traditional orderly rows that most of us are used to. They could be set up in circles or horseshoes, possibly separate tables, and more. It is the job of the teacher tp be aware of what kind of students they are teaching and how the students will learn and grow the best is how the classroom is managed. One classroom may need to managed in a different way than another.