Teach English in Sanjiao Zhen - Luliang Shi

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Introduction The aim of this paper is to outline the concepts and importance of classroom management as well as some effective strategies that can be adopted by an ESL Teacher. A synopsis on Classroom Management In 2007, I took up a teaching job at a local secondary school and was faced with a few challenges during my first week. As I made my way to the classroom on the first day, I envisaged my encounter with problematic issues from the students and other issues that would hinder or distract instructional time. Upon facing and dealing with each problem, I realized that each is unique and as such careful consideration must be undertaken when implementing any classroom management strategy. Chandra (2015) provides a straight forward definition which highlights that “Classroom management aims at establishing student selfcontrol through a process of promoting positive student achievement and behavior”. Like the writer, many teachers share the same sentiments as it relates to keeping the students stead-fast, alert and engaged and at the same time nipping in the bud, behavioral and student achievement issues that can affect their learning progress. Some students can also lack focus and maintain a level of non-participation or silence while the lesson is being administered. This can be very apparent in an ESL class where students are not comfortable with the English pronunciations or expressions or are not confident with undertaking an English assignment. The onus is on the teacher to engage such students who are withdrawn but at the same time keep the pace and flow of the lesson with the remainder of the students in the classroom. The teacher must always exhibit skills as a classroom manager to effectively deliver the lesson in a conducive environment and at the same time maintain a level of control when dealing with undesirable obstacles that can hinder the progress of the lesson. Classroom Management Strategies The teacher will inevitably adopt the role of a classroom manager and as such some of the strategies should be both preventative and reactive. Preventative in the sense of adopting standard practices that captivate the attention of all students thus blocking any barriers of distracting elements. There may also be incidences where the preventative measures need some additional reinforcement and as such the reactive strategies are deemed appropriate. Reactive strategies can be implemented to help curb problems that arise and need immediate attention. Preventative Classroom Management Strategies Formal Introductions Formal introductions are necessary so that the students get to know the teacher as an individual, their interest and the story on their journey that led the teacher to the path of an educational instructor. The students are very likely to gravitate to the listening of the teacher’s introduction who in term can be asked to introduce themselves to the teacher and their peers. Formal introductions sets the path to building relationships as well as the creation of communication channels between student and teacher. Set ground rules The teacher upon faced with delivering structured lessons, should not get right into the teaching aspects because they assume that the students know what is expected and what is not expected from them. As a classroom manager, it is important to set ground rules, relay the importance as well as outline the consequences of not following the rules. The students need to be knowledgeable as to what is expected and understand that not following the rules can affect their learning process as well as disrupt instructional time. Establish a relationship with the students When a teacher enacts trust into their students, this creates a sense of stability. The teacher as a classroom manager should build a good rapport with the students so that they can devote a conceited effort towards following the rules as well as improve the teaching experience in the classroom. Motivate and Encourage students The teacher must manager and understand what factors influence the ways in which students are driven. As such, motivation and encouragement are two critical success factors that contributes towards learning in the classroom. Students like to be rewarded and praised for undertaking good ventures. Motivating and encouraging students should be inculcated as positive reinforcements so that the students continue to strive academically. Motivating and encouraging also promotes good behavior thus enabling students to maintain focus on the positive outcome as well as look forward to additional achievements in future lessons. Reactive Classroom Management Strategies Dealing with disruptive behavior and defiance The teacher should address and correct unbecoming behaviors as soon as they become apparent in the classroom. Avoiding or ignoring the disruption will encourage the students to be led on to continue such behavior in a repetitive manner. As such, the onus is on the teacher to control such behavior by addressing the issue either privately with the student/students or to seek assistance from the school administration. There may be instances where the teacher needs to point out bad behavior that is displayed to the entire class, so that the students understand what is unacceptable. Dealing with withdrawn/non-participatory students The teacher as the classroom manager must undertake study strategies to assist students who are academically challenged, withdrawn or reluctant to participate. Having understood the learning abilities of the students, the teacher could implement peer teaching as well as co-operative learning. The benefit of peer teaching enables the academically inclined to assist the academically challenged. Students work well and learn from each other when co-operative learning is practiced in the classroom. Both strategies encourage participation and enables the withdrawn student to build confidence. Conclusion The teacher who assumes the role as a classroom manager should establish a good rapport with students, encourage and motivate them along the teaching journey as well as deal with disruptive issues in a professional manner as soon as they arise. Reference Chandra, R (2015 ) Classroom Management for Effective Teaching. International Journal of Education and Psychological Research (IJEPR) Volume 4, Issue 4, 13-15.