Teach English in Quyu Zhen - Luliang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Quyu Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Luliang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Maintaining discipline in the classroom requires a continual professional attitude and teaching approach when engaging students in classrooms. I believe that by preparing lesson materials well in advance teachers can avoid any potential pitfalls such as malfunctions of teacher's office and classroom equipment, for example if photocopiers, projectors or smartboards failed to perform their intended function. Being prepared in advance of any of these unforeseen circumstances would enable teachers to find a backup before starting any lesson. To prevent students from behaving badly other preparations such as classroom management can be put into place especially prior to starting lessons. Some ideas relating to this include ensuring the classroom is both neatly presented and clean before class starts (clean whiteboards, ink in pens, properly presented seating arrangement, clean floors and tables and suitable lighting for indoor classroom which will enable the students to be presented with a professional teaching classroom and environment. Maintaining mutual respect between students and teachers is vitally important to help prevent any kind of possible student misbehaviour. This includes not losing patience, not getting angry, not shouting and not threatening students if they have done something potentially perceived as unruly within the classroom. Putting procedures in place to prevent situations getting out of control, such as verbal warnings and the explanation of potential consequences could help prevent any badly behaved student from becoming too unruly. Another way of prevention is to build personal rapport with students to increase the chances that every time they see you they look forward to taking your lesson and treat you with respect. One of the ways this can be achieved is by being both prepared well and your ability to make lessons fun, engaging, professionally conducted and as interactive as possible. Other such ways could be to maintain simple and easily understood body gestures such as giving the ok sign with the fingers, lowering the hand down to signal to reduce the volume of noise emanating from the classroom. Alternative hand signals can be used to show students to reduce the volume of the noise such as a finger to the lips to show them to be quieter, sticking your thumb up at them to give the students a form of encouragement and praising them verbally for good work. Some other forms of hand gestures could show number counting such as one to ten for any activities with the appropriately held up finger or fingers. Other body expressions such as open arms and legs can be used to signal teachers are willing to engage with students in the classroom, and that they are not defensive in nature, which should lead to better student and teacher interaction. Other forms of arms and hand expressions can be used to demonstrate if meanings are not understood which would allow the student to be alert to the teacher's comprehension of what the student may have said incorrectly followed by asking the student to try producing a clearer example or explain the general meaning to the teacher for clarification. This would enable the student to further communicate and explain and help assist the teacher understand the meaning, which in turn gives the teacher the opportunity to both hot correct and cold correct any students in the class.