Teach English in Puming Zhen - Luliang Shi

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Flash cards are used as visual aids, replaced and are supplement materials from a course book. They can be created by teachers and graded to the level of student and aim of the language target. You can buy flash cards but if you want to prepare for a specific topic develop your own creativity or do them with your students as a classroom activity. You have to be aware of the thickness of paper, if you want to use it for more than one time you can laminate the cards. The size of paper and drawing are important for the students to see and pay attention. If you are teaching a small group in a room maybe smaller than A4 size can be enough but in a crowded classroom you can choose at least A4 paper size. The drawing and style should be clear. It will be better to draw in same hand and same style. Especially for kids, colourful flash cards are the most effective ones so try to prepare your cards conscientiously. Flash card games can be used in any level at the activate or engage stage of the lesson plan as an speaking and listening activities. You can try these five different flashcard games at circle time, warm up activity or revision activity. The first games name is Flashcards at Dawn. It is a speaking activity and can be used to practice vocabulary and target language. It will take approximately ten minutes and used for young learners. Divide the students at least into two groups. From each group one ‘leader’ student should come to the front of the class and turn their back to each other. Teacher gives one flash card to each student. They shouldn’t see the cards that are given to them. After teacher counts till three, students show their cards to each other and each leader runs to their own group and tries to describe what was in the other students’ card. The first group who guesses correctly gains the point and the next new students from each group comes. The game continues till all the students are once leader. The second games name is Running Memory. It is a speaking activity and can be used to practice vocabulary and target language. It will take approximately ten-fifteen minutes and used for young learners. Divide the students into two groups and have each team line up at the back of the room. At the front of the room are two tables for each group. From each group one student should be referee to the opposite group and stand next to the tables to check. Show a picture flashcard to the students from each group, one student runs and tries to write the pictures meaning. The first group who writes correct gains the point. The game continues till all students take turn. The third game is very similar to the second game. The name of the game is Running Verb. It is a speaking activity and can be used to practice vocabulary and target language. It will take approximately ten-fifteen minutes and used for elementary. Divide the students into two groups and have each team line up at the back of the room. At the front of the room are two tables for each group. From each group one student should be referee to the opposite group and stand next to the tables to check the written answers. Show a verb flashcard to the students. From each group one student runs and tries to write simple past or past participle form of verb. The first group who writes correct gains the point. The game continues till all students take part. The fourth games name is Guess Who? It is a speaking activity and can be used to practice vocabulary and target language. It is more appropriate about the topic personal character and personal appearance. It will take approximately ten-fifteen minutes and used for elementary. On each flashcard is a celebrity mug shot. Try to select the ones which are popular among your students. Divide the students into two groups. From each group one student has a crown and needs to predict the celebrity by using the phrases ‘What does she/he look like? What is she/he like?’ Teacher should choose a flashcard, stick it to crown without showing to them. Other students in group try to answer the questions. The group who guesses correctly gains the point and the next new students from each group come to guess. The game continues till all the students take part. The last game is CardBoo. Actually it is very similar to Taboo. It is a speaking activity and can be used to practice vocabulary. It will take approximately ten-fifteen minutes and used for young learners and elementary. Divide the students at least to two groups. Young learners can draw Picture on flash cards. One student describes the word or Picture to the others. Elementary students can write the vocabulary and add three vocabulary which can’t be used while describing it. They can prepare taboo according to the unit vocabulary they have learned. Each student has thirty second to describe as many as word or Picture. Encourage the students to use WH questions. The group which guesses the most vocabulary or picture is the winner. Most of the games are prepared by me. Some games I came across the teachers book or websites made me think and create new games. I changed the games to suit for my students level, age and interests. Use your creativity to suit the games for your own lesson plan.