Teach English in Luocun Zhen - Luliang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Luocun Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Luliang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

We meet teachers our whole lives. Who they are? Which role the teachers play in our destiny? We remember teachers who have taught us writing, reading, counting. We could remember someones wise we met in life and got a very important advise from them - we call them 'teachers'. We remember a sort of 'problematic' people who made our lives hard at least for sometime, like dishonest boss or a partner who hurt in the past. We name them 'teachers' and grace them for those tough lessons learnt. I strongly believe that the teacher is more than profession (first case above). Teachers have a mission to help students to reach the next level in life intentionally (first and second cases above) or not intentionally (the third one). Regarding a teacher as a profession, the unit 1 of this course provides us with the information about roles of the teacher, such as Manager or Controller, Organizer, Assessor, Prompter, Participant in a lesson, Tutor, Resource or Facilitator, Model, Observer or Monitor. The role that we employ is largely going to depend on the situation. The good teacher is able to switch between these roles appropriately. In this essay, I would like to focus on two roles of the teacher I consider more important. The first role is 'Inspirer'. We spend a lifetime studying. What exactly we prefer to learn? It depends on our motivation coming from desire to achieve our goals and inspiration happening more naturally, usually from high interest or joyful feeling related with the subject we learn. We all know that the teacher who really loves his/her subject and shares information about it with the learners with love, is able to inspire his students to learn more and more. There are some people who were too much controlled, corrected and even criticized by a teacher in the past though they lost faith in themselves and tried to avoid touching this subject; this is a negative scenario when a teacher does not aware of importance of inspiration going from a teacher to a student and teacher's ability to help students to fly high or downshift in life sciences. It works with all the groups of students, especially with young learners, because they are more sensitive, absolutely believe their teachers and cannot change a teacher if they feel uncomfortable. The second role of the teacher that is also so meaningful throughout time is a Resource of knowledge. Students usually accept information from teachers as absolute truth. Giving them information, we as teachers are responsible for the way they go after getting the directions. We are responsible for their decisions and actions related to the information we have given out. Both professional ethics and common sense let us become teachers after gaining proficiency in a certain area or subject we decide to teach. Otherwise it would be a 'cheater', not a 'teacher'. The way I see it, the profession of teacher is based on both of these roles, Inspirer and Resource. They only work together and do not exist separately, if we talk about various sides of the teacher profession. The role of the teacher in inspiring learners, helping them to improve their lives and elevate themselves to the higher level in life. I can confidently say that the teachers proficient in their subject and loving students and teaching process, they and they students, will definitely succeed.