Teach English in Liulin Zhen - Luliang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Liulin Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Luliang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Classroom management plays a major role in developing successful lessons in an English language class. Without proper classroom management knowledge and skills, a teacher may face numerous difficulties in the classroom when it comes to decision making, lesson planning, activity work, and many more. There are several important aspects of classroom management, and one of the most essential components is the approach of the teacher. Every teacher has their own style of teaching, and not all teachers share the same energy or method in the classroom, but having an encouraging attitude when teaching is necessary. This has a lot to do with the actions of the teacher. Good eye contact helps build rapport between teacher and student, which makes students feel more comfortable around the teacher. Knowing when to use eye contact can beneficial in other cases as well, like to engage all students, encourage participation, and to make sure there is clarity in the lesson. Eye contact also helps maintain discipline, as students are more likely to listen to a teacher that they respect. Voice projection is another important aspect of the teacher’s actions, as correct usage of the voice can help a classroom discussion run smoothly. It is crucial that teachers know when to adapt their voice based on the situation, such as using a clear, concise, and bold voice when giving instructions to a class. A good teacher will use plenty of variation in their voice to keep the attention of the students. Another beneficial action in the classroom is gestures, which can be used to convey meaning and show visual examples. Nonetheless, just because the teacher’s actions set the tone for the classroom, this does not mean that the teacher should always be the center of attention. Depending on the type of lesson, teachers should strive to keep teacher talk time much lower than student talk time, unless they are presenting, providing instruction, or giving correct language feedback. Teachers may also speak a lot while trying to build rapport with students, which will have a very beneficial outcome, but other than that, student talk time should always be encouraged. Another important aspect of classroom management is the decision of whether or not to group students together during specific stages of a lesson. It is the teachers responsibility to gauge what the best technique would be based on the activity, and there are many different options to choose from. This decision is so crucial since it can change a lesson entirely, making it unsuccessful or successful. Grouping the whole-class together to do an activity can be advantageous because it creates a sense of belonging, but it can also be intimidating to students who are more shy and may not want to speak. When a teacher decides not to group students and allows them to work alone, this is less stressful on students since they will not feel pressured to participate or say something wrong. However, it decreases student to student interaction. Pair work allows students to build relationships with one another in a safe environment where they can support and correct each other. The downside of pair work is that it can get very noisy, and students may resort back to using their mother language to speak to each other. A teacher that has good knowledge on successful classroom management will have an enjoyable class, and building rapport between everyone in the classroom is another essential component. In a relaxing and safe environment, it is more likely that students will feel comfortable sharing their opinions and participating. It is the teacher’s job to aim to create a classroom environment that everyone feels comfortable in, and there are many ways that rapport can be established. Enforcing activities that allow the students to learn each other’s names and a little bit about one another will create a more relaxed space. Changing pairs often will allow students to work with a variety of people in the classroom so that no one feels left out. A teacher can also guide the mood in the class by smiling and engaging themselves in the interests of the students. Having good rapport between the students is just as important as having good rapport between teacher and student. It is the teachers job to pay attention to who gets along in the classroom, as this can be important when making seating arrangements. A teacher that has substantial classroom management knowledge will create an encouraging and relaxed environment for their students. Each teacher will have their own techniques when it comes to classroom management, so it is important that a teacher finds what works for them and their class.