Teach English in Gaojiacun Zhen - Luliang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Gaojiacun Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Luliang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

English as a Global Language It is without a doubt that English has become the global language of the world. English has shown itself to be a comparatively easy language to learn at a basic level and simplistic enough to use in a variety of settings such as a business meeting or a casual dinner of friends. English is a clear, concise language as a whole. This ease of function allows English to be used in trade, tourism, entertainment, science, education, literature, as well as many other things. The wide spread use of English allows it to continue to stay in the forefront of desirable languages to learn as a second language. The need for a global language in regards to trade, is a historical fact. The ancient world found that a single language was needed to bring together trade from all corners of the known earth. Greek became that language because of its simplistic alphabet and its precision. Much like Greek became the trade language for the Mediterranean, English has become the international trade language for most of the western hemisphere and large parts of the rest of the world. There are other factors that help push a certain language into new areas, but one of the greatest of these is the global trade market. English speaking nations have large consumer bases, and this has encouraged other language groups to learn English to facilitate business opportunities. As global trade continues to spread, so English continues to spread as its own separate commodity to be learned for the benefit of the users. Tourism is in many ways an outgrowth of the strength of the global economy. Tourist areas require a certain level of infrastructure, protection, and availability. As major trade countries gain wealth, a common area to spend wealth is in travel and tourism. This travel takes the English language with it. Tourists use it to communicate and purchase food, accommodations, and services. Tourist areas are quick to realize that using English can give a vendor an edge over competition. At this grass roots level, English has become popular for both the tourist and the hosts. Many entertainers release material in English because of marketing. Many movies also are released in English, even if they have subtitles. Two major factors are considered here, first, you can reach a more diverse demographic with English, and sell more. Second, English is easily translated into other languages. Making money in entertainment is usually related to fame. While every culture and language has its own famous people, English allows you to have more exposure across borders. For an entertainers, this allows them to access to more markets and more income. In the field of science, English is the predominate language used for labeling and printing scientific information. The fairly concise nature of English and its wide spread use lend it to be the preferred language in sharing information between different scientific communities and regions. The World Health Organization uses English in its fight to prevent the spread of disease and epidemic outbreaks around the world. Cancer researchers record their information in English to be shared across language barriers. Many prescription pills have an English title that is common in many areas that do not speak English as a first language. Education is another huge area where English is a major force in the world. Much educational material and online resources are written or are available in English. Online learning is a growing market and much of the online world is communicated in English. It will be very interesting to see how China’s growing tech industry and online consumers will play a role in the future of English as the predominate online language outside of China. Literature has been dominated in the last 500 years by the English language. The ability to mass produce books was a contributing factor to this. Many popular English language books has spread the language itself around the world. Even as books such as the Harry Potter series have been translated into all the major languages of the world out of English, this has caused an interest into certain phrases and words popular in English. All of these point to the fact that currently, English is the most broadly used language in the modern world at this time. English truly is the global language of today.