Teach English in Duizhen Zhen - Luliang Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Duizhen Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Luliang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Many apps, nowadays, allow us to do online transactions that would normally be done in-person. Thanks to them time is saved, people from different countries are reached or interacted with, and multitasking skills grow, etc. Likewise, businesses have seen their own window into the Internet. Teaching English to Chinese children is one of many platforms that have been developed in the last five years. VIPKID, DADAABC, and 51Talk are some of these companies that found a business opportunity in the globalization. Here, I will speak as an ex-online teacher who had to take a recess of teaching to be certified in TEFL. Is it necessary to get a certification to be able to teach online? When I started to work for VIPKID in March 2018, you would only need a bachelor’s degree, on any field, in order to start the application process. A year later, my contract was over, and I started the application process with DADAABC. The same day of my interview, my recruiter asked me if I had any teaching certification. I didn’t have any, so my interview was postponed until I get one. According to them, the Chinese government had sent them a “last minute notice… that the online teacher must have teaching certificate.” Wanting to know more, I began an online research. On November 26, 2018, the newspaper China Daily published an article saying “Online after-school training institutions will be brought under the same regulations as traditional brick-and-mortar ones, the Ministry of Education said on Monday, as it further tightens scrutiny on the sector.”1 I wondered where that came from. The answer had been published two years before on CNBC: "…some facets of life inside the world’s second-largest economy are becoming a lot less free. That’s especially true for digital communication inside China. Regulators have moved aggressively to curtail what the country’s more that 750 million Internet users can or cannot do online.”2 This crackdown process that the Chinese government is undergoing, not only with the web but also in many other aspects of their society, found it’s way into online education. China, a country that stands out for its effectively planned growth, is taking measures to control the education quality that its children are receiving. Therefore, now online schools are being monitored, and new application forms ask for a teaching certification. Is it a need as a rule? Yes. However, I would like to ask the question in a different way. Is it necessary as a teacher? The truth is that getting a certificate implies an inversion of time and money. As I stated before, I am taking a recess of working. Evidently, after reading all that information about the new Chinese rule, I started this journey of knowledge that has a first end-point in this essay. And I say “first” because learning shouldn’t stop. As the world keeps changing so drastically in short periods of time, we should keep up with novelties, new ideas and methods. Teachers need the TEFL certification as a starting point to discover a whole world of chances to be a better one. Being an actress, and a fan of the English language, I made my way through this teaching job based on intuition. I don’t underestimate experience at all. However, there’s nothing like feeling confident of what you know and what you are doing. There were times where I couldn’t understand why the company was taking some decisions regarding the students’ education. Other times, I would lack of skills to teach something. Even though my plans are to complete a master’s degree in TESOL, if this certification wasn’t an obligation for me to continue my career, I might have postponed my studies. We humans sometimes forget the phrase “don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” To conclude this text, as dates confirm, the rule of needing a teaching certificate is very recent. A lot of revision is surely going to be done; it is going to be more specific later on, with additions and exclusion. Something new is invented, and it takes some time for it to fit in our societies, and to be appropriated by the citizens. This is the common behavior of our world. But the answer to the question is going to be always the same: “Yes, we need a TEFL certification to be online English teachers.” Citations 1 江巍. (2018, November 26). Online education to face same scrutiny as physical training institutes. Retrieved June 30, 2019, from 2 Cheangming. (2017, October 27). China has launched another crackdown on the internet - but it's different this time. Retrieved June 30, 2019, from