Teach English in Zhubian Zhen - Linyi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Zhubian Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Linyi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

There are many countries in the world where you have Portuguese as an official language, as a matter of fact, in Wikipedia*, Portuguese language comes in 6th place, of the most spoken languages in the world with more than 200 million of native speakers and is an official language present in Asia (Macau, Timor), India (Goa, Sri Lanka), Africa (Moçambique, Angola, Cape Verde) Americas (Brasil) and Europe. Understanding the culture of these communities plays an important part, of understanding the right way to reach their minds but also their hearts, because we can only create good rapport when we identify common ground between us and the students we want to help. Knowing the culture and knowing a common language is then very important to understand and identify the main problems that learners can have in such a country. There are in my opinion 3 main Problems that can occur in such a country. The first of all is the socio-economic aspect of the students you are teaching. We all know as a fact that the socio-economic factor plays an important role when it comes to learning and studying, in a country like Brazil, for example, if you go outside of the cities centers, you may encounter children that help their parents in the farm while going to school right after, or if you go to the main cities centers there are children that live in very poor areas and they lack the basic resources to have a normal and effective training. There are a myriad of social-economic problems, religious and cultural aspects that can also be an issue when you teaching in a foreign country. These factors are something that you have to consider when your planning to teach in such countries, to find effective alternatives in order to give to each student an opportunity of achieving success and equality of learning. The second main problem learners can have is regarding Grammar. Grammar is the fundamental core of learning a new language, and English is not an exception, in such countries, learners can have difficulty in understanding the way grammar works, not only the right way they should communicate but also the intrinsic ways of writing it, this includes the structure of words phrases, clauses, and sentences, right up to the structure of whole texts. When you have a language like Portuguese as a background, you use a female and male noun, and in general, there is no distinction between masculine and feminine in English nouns, which can create confusion in new learners, and the teacher should consider this when addressing this and other aspects of English grammar. The third main problem is Commitment. Most of the students that attend a Language course, are doing it for some reason, and their expectations can have a negative effect on them if they are not well shaped. We all, have already started something in our lives and dropped out after a while just because we thought that was to difficult for us or that we didn't have enough talent for it, and this can be a real issue if the teacher doesn't adjust the level of the lesson to the right level of the pupils and then understanding their motivations and needs are fundamental to keep them on the right track is also essential. Finally, it may be concluded that it can exist countless problems concerning students, nonetheless, the teacher must have the capacity to react in a positive and creative way, to make the best out of every situation, this comes with knowledge and experience but also with the right attitude and manner, because a teacher is not only teaching a new language but also being a role model. *