Teach English in Zhongcun Zhen - Linyi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Zhongcun Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Linyi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Confidence usually takes a long time to build, especially when learning a new language such as English. Students can lose their interest in learning easily when they do not understand what their teachers are saying. Knowing how to build students’ confidence is important to maximize their output. There are many ways to help a student gain more confidence such as praising them, encouraging them to ask questions, and giving them chance to show what they know. Motivation is necessary in many fields, including education. Students need a lot of encouragement during their learning progresses. Some students can feel embarrassed when speaking English because they are afraid that they can make mistakes, or their classmates may laugh at them. Praising students is important in this case. No matter if students answer questions correctly or incorrectly, teachers should always praise them for their effort. Both strong and weak students need to be praised. Weak students may need more encouragement than strong students, so they do not feel behind their classmates, lose interest, or become insecure. If teachers praise their strong students too many times, they may become over-confident. Therefore, depending on different types of students and situations, teachers should motivate them appropriately. Another way to build confidence in students is to encourage them to ask questions. Asking questions is one of the best ways to learn and gain confidence. Therefore, teachers should encourage and offer their students chance to ask questions. Many students are quiet when they do not understand something. This may cause boredom in their learning progresses because they can feel difficult to complete tasks or homework. Teachers should give their students chance to ask questions by checking if they know how to finish tasks or understand what teachers say. This not only helps students to complete assignments easily but also improves their speaking skills. Students can also ask their classmates besides teachers. Role plays, surveys, and interviews are good activities in class to let students ask each other questions, so they can learn from each other and build confidence. Giving students chance to show what they know can also help them to gain more confidence. The more students talk, the more confidence they are, especially when learning English. If students do not apply English skills in conversations or their daily lives, it can be difficult for them to remember what they have learned. Therefore, giving students chance to talk is necessary. They can build more confidence when they talk or discuss about their favorite topics. For example, teachers can ask business learners to explain their majors such as marketing, finance, leadership, etc. For young learners, hobbies, schools, types of food or music, etc. can be some interesting topics to discuss. It is easier to share ideas when students are familiar with topics because students have knowledge about them and feel more comfortable to discuss. Presentations and interviews are helpful activities that teachers can use in their classrooms. Giving students chance to succeed is a way to make them talk and help them to gain more confidence. There are many ways to build confidence in classrooms. Teachers can praise their students, encourage them to ask questions, and giving them chance to succeed. All students need motivation. Teachers should always check if their students understand learning materials and know what teachers are expecting from them. In addition, allowing students to share their thoughts and knowledge can make them more interested in learning and gain more confidence. Building confidence in students is important because it not only helps them to learn better but also supports them in their daily lives.