Teach English in Tongshi Zhen - Linyi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Tongshi Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Linyi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Teaching a foreign language should involve the cultivation of four main skills, all of which benefit the learner in different ways. These skills include reading and listening, known as receptive skills, as well as writing and speaking, known as productive skills. Teaching productive skills especially benefit the language learner by expanding his or her active vocabulary. Speaking and writing lessons thus naturally promote accuracy and fluency of communication. Furthermore, proficient use of productive skills also increases one’s ability to engage and succeed both socially and professionally. As stated above, teaching productive skills helps to expand one’s active vocabulary. Active vocabulary refers to the total number of words a person uses in his or her own speech and writing. On the contrary, passive vocabulary refers to all the words, collectively, that a person can understand ( Passive vocabulary can be learned through the teaching and practise of receptive skills and tends to be more extensive than active vocabulary. This skill is useful in understanding written and spoken messages. However, a person normally uses language not only for receiving, but also to send communicative information. If active vocabulary, rather than passive, is that which a person uses in speech and writing, then it is important to be developed in order to better communicate. The more words a person can use, the more clear and concise his or her message can be expressed. Take, for example, the word ‘happy’. With a greater vocabulary, one could instead use the word ‘content’, ‘satisfied’ or ‘delighted’. However, having a wide range of vocabulary alone is not enough if one is to truly improve in accuracy and fluency. Teaching productive skills also requires that a great deal of attention be paid to the proper use of grammar. People use productive skills for many reasons which include, but is not limited to, expressing feelings or emotions, telling stories, giving instructions, directions or advice, and so forth. These are all forms of communication which are usually intended to be received and understood by another party. One who communicates using a lower level of language is indeed able to convey such messages. However, learners of lower language levels are generally unable to communicate with much accuracy and fluency as there is a lack of active vocabulary and grammatical knowledge. Accuracy of speech and writing can be learned through grammar lessons and focused activities. The grammar lessons will help the learner to understand how to use his or her active vocabulary to communicate a specific message. Furthermore, activities such as games and role-plays can be integrated into the activate stage of a lesson to promote fluency. Take, for instance, a tour guide who is corresponding with a group of tourists regarding an ancient ruin. He might say, “This wall very old. Make it for many years. There is war and it is broken”. The tourists are certainly able to understand the general idea, however, the tour guide is lacking the accuracy and fluency to fully describe the history of the ruin. If he was to improve in his productive skills, he might be able to better express himself and say, “This used to be a temple, but now only a wall remains. It was built 650 years ago. Most of the temple was destroyed because there was a war”. His work as a tour guide would surely prove more successful if he developed better productive skills. People need to use productive skills in both their social and professional lives. As with the previous example of the tour guide, his professional life is affected by his ability to use these skills. Language learners who need to use English in their workplace might find that their level of proficiency can affect their productivity and general success. Unclear communication among businesses and clients, or even within the workplace itself, can result in a loss of time, product, money and thus opportunities. On the other hand, clear communication can result in better relationships with the client and more income. This concept is also reflected in one’s social life. If a language learner has difficulty communicating with a wide range of vocabulary, accuracy, and fluency, they will likely find it a challenge to build relationships with others. This is simply because most relationships rely on what can be communicated through writing and speaking, such as likes and dislikes, beliefs, desires, and intentions, etc. When it comes to friendships and even romantic relationships, a language learner will find that having good productive skills can greatly influence the depth to which a relationship might extend. Overall, someone who has constant improving speaking and writing skills will likely find it easier to engage and succeed in both social and professional aspects. In conclusion, teaching productive skills provides several benefits to a language learner. Firstly, one can expand his or her active vocabulary, which affects their general ability to convey the intended message. Secondly, accuracy and fluency can be further developed through the teaching of speaking and writing which improves the language learner’s efficiency of communication. Finally, when one has learned to use his or her productive skills well, they can engage and succeed in more professional and social opportunities as they arise.