Teach English in Taoxu Zhen - Linyi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Taoxu Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Linyi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

In the world of ESL instruction, it is important for the teacher to incorporate diverse and consistent means of evaluating and testing students so that both the teacher and students are aware of the progress being made and the areas that are in need of improvement. Consistently testing and evaluating students allows the teacher provide students with overt feedback that goes a long way in providing students with the tools they need to evaluate their own progress. ESL instructors frequently use three primary methods to evaluate students which include tutorials, student evaluations and test; which often include speaking, listening and possibly, though less frequently, a writing component. Tutorials are one means of evaluating the effectiveness of the lessons taught that week and also the student’s comprehension. This type of evaluation can happen in a group setting or with individual students. Another effective tool is evaluation by students. This can be very useful as it affords students the opportunity to interact naturally and also to acquire a greater awareness of the content of the lessons that have been taught. After discussing the content of the lessons, this can open a discussion of what content should be covered in future lessons. Instructors should keep in mind that if the fluency level of the students is too low, it might be helpful to allow them to speak in their native tongue. Tests are always appropriate at different stages in a course placement, progress or proficiency. At the start of a new class, teachers often give students a placement test, which allows you to place students in groups that match their level and diagnostic tests, which provide the instructor with valuable information as to what their students do and don’t know with regard to areas such as vocabulary, grammar and comprehension. Once the class is under way, an instructor can incorporate periodic tests which will enable them to evaluate how fast or slow the class is progression in both their comprehension and application of the material being taught. At the end of the course, the teacher might decide to give a final achievement test. This is normally an internal exam and it allows both teacher and student to have a clear and comprehensive picture of how effective the course materials and teaching methodology were and how much of that information has been absorbed by the students in terms of understanding and application. There are several external examinations that students often take to assess their current English fluency level or to achieve a certain result to gain access to a study abroad program. Popular examples of this type of exam include TOEFL, IELTS and TOEIC. These types of exams can vary in their focus, with some focusing on a single topic and others that test integrated skills. With a wide array of testing and evaluation tools available, it is important for instructors to have a clear understanding of their students motivation, skill level, cultural background, confidence and competency in order to adequately determine when and where to use a select for of evaluation. It is important for the instructor to be fair and consistent when evaluating students and to always remember to provide overt, genuine feedback, so that their students will be encouraged and supported in reaching their language acquisition goals.