Teach English in Tanbu Zhen - Linyi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Tanbu Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Linyi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Introduction Classes of mixed ability is when the EFL or ESL teacher experiences and having classes with various scholars or learners sharing the similar class but having different levels of language knowledge and understanding, in simpler terms, the students will differ in their language proficiency in terms of grammar, listening, reading, speaking, pronunciation, vocabulary etc. The students in such classes have different weaknesses and strengths, hence this brings a huge challenge to a new ESL or EFL teacher. Nonetheless, as much as there are challenges in classes of mixed ability, there are also some good advantages and benefits of having those kinds of classes as a new teacher and these will be discussed more in the sections to follow. Challenges and Possible Solutions The majority of shyness and lack of confidence due to the fact that some students still struggle to communicate the language, this causes such students to feel uncomfortable and hence the problem with participation is going to exist in the classroom. This issue of having some students being interested in the lesson because they are good at the language and participate actively, whereas some of the students are very reluctant and unwilling to participate in class, can be solved by inventing and introducing various activities that would suit both sides. Also, a teacher can use the creative teaching style that everyone will enjoy and participate in. The students that feel they weaker or not good at language have a problem of managing to perform or understand some task assigned in class, hence this results in the loss of motivation to such students. The possible solution to this challenge is that the teacher should avoid giving out difficult tasks, assist and encourage students that are considered to be weak in class. Moreover, another challenge is with class discipline which is due to the fact that students who are somehow advanced are always having a higher pace when the tasks are assigned or end up being losing patience when the teacher has to repeat some explanations for those students that are weaker and still behind and still failing to understand so that other students too can finally complete and understand the content being taught. This causes a discipline problem as advanced students are impatient and become noisy and no more concentrate hence distracting the whole class. The possible solution to this discipline problem is to prepare additional material for advanced students so that in case they finish quickly they should be assigned another task to perform. Also, to ask fast learners to explain and write their solutions for other students to see and encourage students to help each other and work as a team. Since there exist a mixture of abilities, then definitely one of the teacher's challenge is to struggle in finding the right and appropriate teaching and learning materials and resources that will meet and fit the needs of students, language level together with students learning interest. This challenge can be possibly solved by the teacher's creativity and innovation in designing and planning the teaching material that will balance the situation. Lastly, it is a challenge for a teacher to know all the students' needs and interests, this results in the problem of having other students bored while others will be very interested. This solution to this challenge is that the teacher should pair students in groups activities that involve more scholars at the same time with the aim of making sure that every learner has taken part in the lesson. Also, the teacher should make a good effort in knowing his or her students in terms of interests and level of language, and this can be achieved by the teacher designing the surveys or questionnaires. Advantages and Benefits The classes of mixed ability benefit both the teacher and students in that it is easy to share and have different opinions and ideas from the same classroom. The inexperienced teacher learns too much from the challenges she comes across and hence that makes him or her a better person in future especially in problem-solving. Not only the teacher learns but also students learn from each other, for instance, the fast learning students experience how it feels to assist other students hence this builds more confidence in students. Conclusion Though it might be seen as a burden or torture to teach classes with mixed ability, new ESL or EFL teachers should be encouraged to take such classes as their beginning of the career in order to experience such challenges, the challenges that will build and grow them and make them better teachers in future as more teaching skills will be developed. In general, the classes of mixed ability are very challenging to any teacher but a strong teacher willing to learn and be good at his or her job would enjoy experiencing such a challenge. Finally, in the end, he or she will adapt and become a strong intelligent teacher with good problem-solving skills.