Teach English in Quanzhuang Zhen - Linyi Shi

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Classroom games are truly important in every class for every ESL teachers because it’s a very effective tool to get your students attention especially if you’re a new teacher or you are assigned to cover up a class for your colleague. Students don’t want a boring class with a teacher who is so strict and doesn’t even smile in the class. One of the most important thing that a teacher needs to do inside the classroom is to build a good rapport with the students, and you can do that by playing a game with them! For young learners, an easy “ Simon Say’s “ game can do wonder in the class. Research has shown that there are many benefits to playing daily games in the classroom. We teachers should try to incorporate at least one game a day into one of the key learning areas as either teaching and learning tool, assessment strategy or classroom motivator. In playing games, students become more engaged in their learning. Do games helps students in the classroom? The answer is a big YES! Games help students to become a part of a team as well as take responsibility for their own learning. Games can also be a great classroom management tool, helping to motivate a class. By playing games, students become more motivated to learn, pay attention and participate in set tasks.Through games, students can learn a variety of important skills. There are countless skills that students can develop through game playing such as critical thinking skills, creativity, teamwork, and good sportsmanship. “Play is our brain’s favorite way of learning” – Diane Ackerman Advantages of Playing Games in the Classroom . 1. Controlled Competitiveness Students can become very competitive in the classroom, especially boys. Games are a great way to control the competitiveness between peers. By using games in the classroom, students can compete against each other. Games are a great way to control the competitiveness between peers. 2. Strategy Simulator Most games require problem-solving strategies and planning. By applying a range of strategies in a game, students are able to use their working memory to solve problems, increasing their mental cognition. Stimulating the brain with strategies in a game can be a great brain workout! 3. Positive Peer Pressure Using games in a lesson, as part of teaching and learning, helps to create positive vibes around the lesson, motivating students with their participation and creating a positive attitude towards learning. Games can also create a positive memory and experience of learning for students in the classroom. 4. Smaller Stress Having to answer questions on a worksheet, or produce a page of text can be quite daunting and stressful for some students. It can also create a negative perception of a students’ learning environment. As an alternative to worksheets, games can be used as a less stressful way for students to demonstrate their knowledge, skill, and understanding of a topic. Being less stressed will help students to have a more positive perception of their learning environment and give a true indication of their own learning. 5. Mighty Memory Playing a range of content specific games can increase memory. As they play a game, students need to remember important details about a topic but also use their working memory to think and act quickly. Games that were made by the students can be some of the most effective. As students construct a game they are required to use their memory of specific content to create questions and answers suitable for the game, then use their memory of the topic to play the game. 6. Class Cooperation Playing games in the classroom increase class cooperation. Students need to work together as a team when playing as a whole class against the teacher, or in small team groups when playing games with each other. Through games, students learn how to take turns, build respect, listen to others and play fairly. Classroom games can also be used as a team-building exercise. 7. Alert Attention Playing games requires students to pay great attention to detail. As games can move quickly, when playing a game, a student needs to be alert and attentive. This attentiveness when playing a game can help students to stay focused on other tasks in the classroom throughout the day. 8. Friendly Fun Playing games in the classroom are always great fun! When playing a game, endorphin’s are produced that stimulate the brain and gives students a feeling of euphoria. This feeling of euphoria creates a great sense of happiness and excitement for students in the classroom, developing a positive learning environment. 9. New Knowledge Games are a great tool to use in the classroom to consolidate new knowledge. After teaching new content to the class, provide students with a game that will consolidate their understanding and make connections with what they already know. Asking students to create their own specific games. It can also be a great way to assess students at the end of a unit of work. Games in themselves have no disadvantages. They make English learning more enjoyable and memorable. It’s down to the teacher to use games appropriately (think: age, culture, relevance. class size, etc.) and to manage the classroom. Of course no matter how well a teacher plans, these ‘problems’ can arise: 1. One student may be too competitive and make other students uncomfortable. 2. Not all students may understand the game which can cause frustration. 3. Someone can be a ‘bad loser’. A good way to prevent any issues before a game is to clearly explain the rationale: This next game is an excellent way to practice your listening skill. You need to focus on specific words that we had learned in our lesson etc..