Teach English in Lizhuang Zhen - Linyi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Lizhuang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Linyi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

To begin I will like to say with this, I will like to say that when the classroom is conducive for teaching and learning, then the teacher is good to go, what I mean is let the environment be fit for teaching and learning process. Good, clean, with available teaching materials, etc. Students need to be in a positive environment where they feel valued and respected, this will go a long way to play a great roll on how motivated the students will be to learn. Motivation in the classroom. As a teacher I think it is very important to motivate the students during the teaching learning process. This motivation could be in different forms, and ways, it might either be verbal, emotional or gestures, or gifts, but the important thing here is that the teacher should make sure the student deserves the motivation, so that the others will know that its because of a particular reason that the student is rewarded. Like I earlier said that motivations can be in different forms, example of such classroom motivations can be, a clap of hand by all the students when a particular student has said or completed his or her task correctly, following the order from the teacher he will be appraised with a number of claps. Another form of motivation can be giving them points, in this case there is a highest score limit, say 100. so as the student do well in their given task , they are awarded a point, may be on the board or a chat. There is also the sticker of smiling face sticker motivation, mostly common with younger students or kindergarten kids, they love it and can either stick it on the books or a chat board in the classroom, in the end of the course who has the highest point receives a reward. With the adult students ,say business class or university students sometimes coming up with a motivation in the classroom might be difficult but as a teacher we are all encourage to know how to handle such cases. And now I go to the answer why I think classroom motivation is important to the students and teacher. As a teacher you need to use motivations in your classroom so as to encourage and help increase the students love for learning. Everyone knowing that there is a reward at the end of something is encourage to forge more for that reward. If you have slow or weak learners in your class it is your place to make sure they get to love the language and develop interest in learning and all this will depend on the way you speak to them, the way you handle your class, the way you talk, teach, and interact with them, show them love draw them closer to you, pair them up with strong or fast learners, always give them more time and a listening ear, never encourage others to laugh at them when they make errors, help them complete certain difficult words. In a classroom there will always be those extremely smart and fast students, as a teacher we should always remember to encourage them to keep up as well by helping to arouse that desire to achieve greater goal and purpose., because the act of motivation by itself helps to provide incentive, everyone needs approval in life, so we mustn't forget them because they are smart, even though it doesn't have to be all the time, because It can become boring too.but recognizing hard work and giving it some praise will ensure that your students stay on tract and aware that their effort is been recognized. we all know that " a motivated teacher is the key to the classroom". But the teacher should be careful the way he or she does it, and avoid repeating same motivational speeches or rewards all the time, a change in the classroom is always very important.