Teach English in Liuzhuang Zhen - Linyi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Liuzhuang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Linyi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

English grammar is tough, and even Native English Speakers finds it tricky, And I think that all teachers would definately agree that, Teaching can be a demanding profession. There will be times when students can seem uninterested in learning and disruptive to the classroom environment. I myself personally have encountered an extremely troubled student. Although of course every teacher will or eventually come across a child or student who will test the boundaries and expectation test of a teachers skill to working with children/ students. Back when I started teaching, I had a troubled student that I will not mention a name for its been really quite a long time. He first came to attend a summer class in our school. He had impulse control and anger management issues but it's not as extreme as it may sound, He can easily be angry and loud that he would scream. I had never used a seating chart with the students on the first day when I was just getting to know them. I would ask questions and call them by name. This helped me to get to know the students. Unfortunately, everytime I called on him, he would respond but if he got an answer wrong, he would become angry. There was this one time or day, he was talking and disturbing his neighbour while I was teaching, And in the middle of the lesson, I called him and said in a calm voice "why don't you guys share your discussion with the whole class instead of having your own". With that, he got up from his chair, pushed it over and yelled really loud. And so I sent him to the discipline office. At that point, I think for me that was the worst teaching experience especially when you just started teaching. I dreaded that class every day. That student's anger was almost too much for me and the class. A week without that situation was peaceful and quiet in class and we got a lot accomplished as a class. However, soon he came back in class. I asked him to talk to me for a moment. Although I know there was a slight chance that he would understand me because of the language barrier but despite that I've tried to make it simplier as possible and a lot of body movement for him. I told him that if he felt like he was going to lose control again he has a permission to stand up without pushing th chair away and go at the back or corner for a moment to collect himself for a moment. From that point, In my amusement, begins a slight progressed and slight changes, He listened, he participated. He was a smart student, something I could finally witness in him. He never abused his breaktime privilages. He chooses to behave instead. After the summer class he wrote a thank you note for me thanking me for teaching him. This experience changed me as a teacher. And made me realized that maybe I wasn't listening or looking deeper to connect to them. Children/ Students are people who have feelings too and not be treated like a robot. A robot that will follow orders instructions and be done immediately or to be controlled. They want to learn but they also want to feel as if they have some control over themselves. Every student is different, no two students react in the same way. There are plenty of strategies and educational strategies from improving students behaviour. Each Native English Teachers experienced this in a different scenarios and situations.